The GuardAI Platform, created by NavInfo Europe, is used to measure the Adversarial and Natural Robustness of a model.
The provided API is used in automation to integrate testing into your AI development pipeline. Specifically, this enables integration with continuous integration and/or deployment systems.
In general, using the GuardAI API consists of the following high level steps:
Creating API credentials - go to the Profile page:
Click on the key icon to create a new API key:
Setting up the API client
Using the API key created in step 1, create an API client for your chosen language, for example, in Python:
... config = load_sdk_config() auth_token = get_auth_token(config['connection']['host'], config['connection']['api-key'], config['connection']['api-key-id']) api_client = get_api_client(config['connection']['host'], auth_token) ...
Use the api client to make API calls:
... project_api = ProjectApi(api_client) print('Listing projects...') projects = project_api.get_projects() ...
See the example code for examples on how to get information on projects, tests and how to start a robustness test. Also consult the GuardAI SDK for guidance on how to integrate new models into the platform.