This is the repository for Nayana's personal Portfolio Website. The website showcases Nayana's skills, projects, and provides a way to contact her. Below is an overview of the website's structure and features.
Nayana's personal portfolio is a web-based representation of her skills, experiences, and projects. The site is designed with a clean and modern layout, making it easy for visitors to navigate and explore Nayana's professional profile.
- Displays Nayana's name and a brief tagline.
- Navigation links to different sections of the website.
- Mobile-friendly navigation menu.
- Provides information about Nayana, her academic background, and a brief introduction.
- Includes tabs for Certifications, Internship, and Education, showcasing relevant details.
- Highlights Nayana's soft skills and proficiency in programming languages.
- Categorizes skills into Soft Skills, Programming Languages, and Web Development.
- Showcases selected projects with images, descriptions, and links to GitHub repositories.
- Includes a button to explore more projects on Nayana's GitHub profile.
- Displays Nayana's contact information, including email and phone number.
- Social media icons linking to Nayana's GitHub and LinkedIn profiles.
- A form for visitors to submit messages, utilizing Google Sheets as a backend.
- JavaScript functions for tab navigation in the About section.
- Mobile menu functionality for opening and closing the navigation menu.
- A script to handle form submission and send data to a Google Sheets backend.
- Allows visitors to submit their name, email, and a message.
- Utilizes Google Sheets as a backend to store form submissions.
- Success message displayed upon successful submission.
Feel free to explore Nayana's portfolio here and get in touch with her for collaboration and opportunities. Thank you for visiting!