Nexus client for web browser/node.js built using gopherjs, wrapping around the golang nexus client
- GopherJS
go get
- WebSocket module 'ws'
npm -g install ws
$ gopherjs build
// WIP: Missing a proper documentation. These are pseudo-go headers
// On browsers
nexus.dial(url, callback) (NexusConnection, error)
// On Node.js
var nexus = require("./nxjs.js")
nexus.dial(url, callback) (NexusConnection, error)
NexusConnection Object:
func login(user string, pass string, callback)
func taskPush(method string, params interface{}, timeout int, callback)
func taskPull(prefix string, timeout int, callback) (Task, error)
func taskList(prefix string, limit int, skip int, callback)
func userCreate(user string, pass string, callback)
func userDelete(user string, callback)
func userDelTags(user string, prefix string, tags []string, callback)
func userSetPass(user string, pass string, callback)
func userSetTags(user string, prefix string, tags map[string]{}, callback)
func userAddTemplate(user string, template string, callback)
func userDelTemplate(user string, template string, callback)
func userAddWhitelist(user string, ip string, callback)
func userDelWhitelist(user string, ip string, callback)
func userAddBlacklist(user string, ip string, callback)
func userDelBlacklist(user string, ip string, callback)
func userSetMaxSessions(user string, max int, callback)
func sessionKick(connId string, callback)
func sessionReload(connId string, callback)
func userList(prefix string, limit int, skip int, callback)
func nodeList(limit int, skip int, callback)
func node(callback)
func pipeCreate(opts interface{}, callback) (Pipe, error)
func pipeOpen(id string, callback) (Pipe, error)
func topicPublish(channel string, msg interface{}, callback)
func topicSubscribe(pipe Pipe, channel string, callback)
func topicUnsubscribe(pipe Pipe, channel string, callback)
func lock(lock string, callback)
func unlock(lock string, callback)
func exec(method string, params interface{}, callback)
func execNoWait(method string, params interface{}, callback)
func cancel(callback)
func closed(callback)
func version(callback)
func nexusVersion(callback)
func ping(timeout int, callback)
Task Object:
func sendResult(res interface{}, callback)
func sendError(code int, msg string, data interface{}, callback)
field Path
field Method
field Params
field Tags
Pipe Object:
func close(callback)
func read(max int, timeout int, callback)
func write(msg {}, callback)
func id(callback) string
Functions can receive zero, one or two parameters at the end for callbacks.
If there is only one callback parameter, it should be a function with two arguments:
taskPull("prefix", 60, function(result, error) {
console.log("This is the result:", result)
console.log("Error received:", error)
With two callback parameters, one will receive the result and the other the error:
login("user", "pass", function(result) {
console.log("Logged in!")
}, function(error) {
console.log("Couldn't login!:", error)
// The module will set dial as a global function when loaded
nexus.dial("wss://", function(nc, err){
// Login to nexus
nc.login("dummyUser", "dummyPassword", function(){
// Success! Now pull a task
nc.taskPull("test.prefix", 5, function(task, err){
// Great! Just return an OK
console.log(task, err);
var nexus = require("./nxjs.js")
nexus.dial("wss://", function(nc, err){
nc.login("dummyUser", "dummyPass", function(){
// Create a pipe
nc.pipeCreate({"len": 100}, function(pipe, e){
// Subscribe the pipe to the channel
nc.chanSubscribe(pipe, "temperatures",
//Subscription succeeded
console.log("Subscribed pipe",, "to channel temperatures"), 60, function(msgs, err){
console.log("Received messages:", msgs)
// Subscription failed
function(err){ console.log("Error subscribing the pipe to the channel:", err)})