Minimalistic version of Stack Overflow website. Users can post questions, answer them and also can vote others’ answers. Besides questioner can also mark as accepted one correct answer.
Firstly, clone the project-
Secondly, Open the project in Visual Studio by running the StackOverflow.sln
solution file -
cd StackOverflow-Lite/src/StackOverflow
Thirdly, go to docs
folder -
cd StackOverflow-Lite/docs
There you will find a batch file named StackOverflow_Migration_Runner.bat
Run that batch file to update database -
Step(1): Apply Migration
[option 2]
Step(2): Update All
[option 1]
or, You may manually run the Update Database
using the following command
in the Project Manager Console
in Visual Studio.
dotnet ef database update -p .\Applications\StackOverflow.Web -c ApplicationDbContext
This will create a database named StackOverflowDb
in your SQL Server
(actually SSMS) and also the table(s) accordingly.
SQL Server
and SQL Server Management Studio
installed on your machine.
Go to -
cd StackOverflow-Lite\src\StackOverflow\Applications\StackOverflow.Web
In this path
there is a file named appsettings.json
If you face any issue updating the database then configure this line
accordingly to your machine configuration -
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=StackOverflowDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"
You may change the Server
value according to your configuration.
Frontend: ASP.NET Web App (MVC), Bootstrap UI Templates
Backend: ASP.NET (Core) 6, Entity Framework (Core), Sql Server, Fluent API
Design Patterns: Repository & Unit of Work Patterns
Architecture: Layered Architecture - n-Tier Architecture - (UI, Business Logic & Data Access Layer)
Error Logger: Serilog
Dependency Injection: Autofac
Object-Object Mapper: AutoMapper
- Authentication, Authorization
- Posting Questions (Post)
- Answering those Questions (Comments)
- Voting different Questions and Answers
- Selecting one correct answer as Accepted
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