Git: distributed version control system
[1] This youtube tutorial
[2] Git Docs.
(1) get the version of git you have installed:
$ git --version
(2) set your name and email (this will be what others see in the author section):
$ git config --global "my name"
$ git config --global ""
(3) see git setting:
$ git config --list
(4) how to use help in git:
$ git help <what you need help with>
$ git <what you need help with> --help
(5) create a git project in the directory you are in:
$ git init
(6) see modified files:
$ git status
(7) add files to staging area:
$ git add --all
$ git add -A
$ git add fileName
(8) remove files from the staging area:
$ git reset fileName
$ git reset
(9) commit the files that are in the staging area:
$ git commit -m "something"
(10) see the commits:
$ git log
(11) set the remote repo:
$ git remote add origin <url>
(12) check the remote repo. url:
$ git remote -v
(13) see branches:
$ git branch -a
(14) see how the files have changed compared to the commited ones:
$ git diff
(15) get the changes on the remote:
$ git pull
$ git pull origin master
(16) push changes to remote:
$ git push -u origin master
$ git push
(17) create a branch and go to it:
$ git branch <branch name>
$ git checkout <branch name>
(18) merge branch with master:
$ git checkout master
$ git merge <branch name>
(19) see merged branches:
$ git branch --merged
(20) delete branch:
$ git branch -d <branch name>
(21) delete branch on remote:
$ git push origin --delete <branch name>
(22) change remote url
git remote set-url origin <url>
(23) forget a file and remove what you had tracked of it
git rm --cached <file>