Docker container for molecular electrostatic calculations using PDB2PQR/APBS and Brownian dynamics with BrownDye.
This docker image contains a complete software environment for running BrownDye (version 2) simulations. It also includes PDB2PQR and APBS.
Please register your use of APBS and PDB2PQR and at for use of BrownDye.
Pull the docker image:
docker pull rokdev/bddocker:latest
Start the container in the current directory:
docker run --rm -ti -u 1000:1000 -v "$PWD":/home/browndye/data \
-w /home/browndye/data rokdev/bddocker:latest
Now the container is running and we can start a BrownDye2 simulation (using the Thrombin example):
cp -ai $BD2_PATH/examples/thrombin .
cd thrombin
sed -i 's/<n_trajectories> 1000 /<n_trajectories> 100 /' input.xml.bak
make all
bd_top input.xml
nam_simulation thrombin_tmodulin_simulation.xml # takes about 4 min to run
cat results.xml
After we are finished we can quit the container:
Latest docker images builds can be seen on Docker Hub.