A Custom Popup For iOS written in Swift 3
MWAPopup is an iOS utility for developers to easily integrate the Popup UI in their applications.
Just Drag & Drop the folder named 'MWAPopupSource' in your project and you are ready to go.
There are three Generic types of Popups that can be used:
- Single Button Popup (Usually used for information messages)
- Two Button Popup (Usually used for asking permissions, Logout etc)
- TextField With Two Buttons Popup (Usually used In Cases like Forgot Password or asking some quick information from user)
Custom Popup
let popup = MWAPopup.createPopup(aPopupType: .SingleButton,
titleString: "Message",
messageString: "This is a message for you.",
buttonNames: ["OK"])
popup?.show(vc: self)
popup?.onFirstButtonTapped = { () in
print("OK Tapped")
- aPopupTypee : .SingleButton OR .TwoButton OR .TextFieldTwoButtons
- titleString : Heading label text
- messageString : Message label text
- buttonNames : Use String Array for UIButton Titles (Not more than 2)
Custom Popup With Images
let popup = MWAPopup.createPopupWithImages(aPopupType: .SingleButton,
titleString: "Message",
messageString: "This is a message for you.",
popupImage: UIImage(named:"popup_bg")!,
buttonImages: [UIImage(named:"ok_btn")!])
popup?.show(vc: self)
popup?.onFirstButtonTapped = { () in
print("OK Tapped")
- popupImage : UIImage For Popup
- buttonImages: Use UIImage Array for UButtons (Not more than 2)
Following properties can also be modified accordingly:
// Background Properties
var backgroundImage:UIImage?
var backgroundColor:UIColor?
// Popup Properties
// It will set both heading and message label properties as same
var popupFontName : String?
var popupTextColor : UIColor?
// Title Properties
var titleTextFont:UIFont?
var titleTextColor:UIColor?
// Message Properties
var messageTextFont:UIFont?
var messageTextColor:UIColor?
// TextField Properties
var textFieldBorderStyle:Int?
var textFieldBackgroundImage:UIImage?
var textFieldBackgroundColor:UIColor?
var textFieldText:String?
var textFieldTextFont:UIFont?
var textFieldTextColor:UIColor?
var textFieldPlaceholder:String?
var textFieldPlaceholderFont:UIFont?
var textFieldPlaceholderColor:UIColor?
Malik Wahaj Ahmed
MWAPopup is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.