meteor add urigo:ionic
The inizialize your AngularJS app module to work both on both mobile and desktop devices please remove the 'ng-app' attribute from your html and manually bootstrap your app like so:
var app = angular.module('app.example', [
function onReady() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['app.example']);
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
angular.element(document).on("deviceready", onReady);
else {
for working with Ionic you can have a look at Ionic Framework. This package just brings the original Ionic Framework through Bower. No changes to the original JS code. You can use it with angular-meteor but you don't have to, you can bring only the AngularJS library itself with bower, npm or anyway you want.
You can find the "Todo" example in this repository: meteor-ionic-example. Follow the insructions there to get started with ionic on meteor.
Special thanks to Andrew Lee for helping me on creating this smart package.