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Near Multi-Chain DAO Governance Contract

The smart contract is designed to act as an intermediary between Decentralized Organizations (such as DAOs or Multisig contracts) and a Multi-Party Computation (MPC) contract. Its primary purpose is to streamline the governance process for DAO councils by allowing them to vote on proposals once and automatically generate the necessary signatures for the same payload across multiple Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chains—differing only by the chain ID.


Currently, there're 2 environments:

  1. Testnet: abstract-dao.testnet
  2. Dev (unstable): dev.abstract-dao.testnet

How to Build Locally?

Install cargo-near and run:

cargo near build --no-abi --no-docker

How to Test Locally?

The following command runs both unit and integration tests:

cargo test

How to Deploy?

Deployment is automated with GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline. To deploy manually, install cargo-near and run:

cargo near deploy --no-abi <account-id>

How To Use?

  1. A proposal is created and submitted to the organization (DAO or multisig) for review.

  2. Members cast their votes on the proposal (either approve, or reject)

  3. Once approved, the institution turns to the Governance Contract to record their intention to generate a signature for a specific payload and grant permission to some account to execute it

  4. For each target EVM-compatible chain, the eligible account interacts with the Governance Contract to construct a signature specific to that chain


To execute a command from the example, install near-cli


This is one of the main functions of the contract. It records user's intention to generate a signature for a specific payload and grants permission to some account to execute it later

pub fn register_signature_request(&mut self, request: InputRequest) -> RequestId

Request Example

near contract call-function as-transaction abstract-dao.testnet register_signature_request json-args '{
    "request": {
        "allowed_account_id": "<eligible-account-id>",
        "derivation_seed_number": 0,
        "transaction_payload": {
            "to": "0xe2a01146FFfC8432497ae49A7a6cBa5B9Abd71A3",
            "nonce": "0",
            "function_data": {
                "function_abi": {
                    "inputs": [
                            "internalType": "uint256",
                            "name": "_num",
                            "type": "uint256"
                    "name": "set",
                    "outputs": [],
                    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
                    "type": "function"
                "arguments": [
                        "Uint": "A97"
}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0.1 NEAR' sign-as <dao-account-id> network-config testnet
  • <eligible-account-id> is the user who will be allowed to get signature later
  • <dao-account-id> is the institution's account for which signature is generated
  • Integer arguments must be base64 encoded

Response Example

  "allowed_account_id": "denbite.testnet",
  "deadline": 1728986555728267025,
  "derivation_path": "denbite.testnet-0",
  "mpc_account_id": "v1.signer-prod.testnet",
  "request_id": 1
  • deadline is Unix timestamp in nanoseconds


This is one of the main functions of the contract. It validates predecessor's permissions, converts payload into EIP-1559 transaction, and transmits further to MPC Contract where the signature is created

pub fn get_signature(&mut self, request_id: RequestId, other_payload: OtherEip1559TransactionPayload) -> Promise

Request Example

near contract call-function as-transaction abstract-dao.testnet get_signature json-args '{
    "request_id": <request-id>,
    "other_payload": {
        "chain_id": 11155111,
        "max_fee_per_gas": "111551114121",
        "max_priority_fee_per_gas": "294111551111"
}' prepaid-gas '300.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0.05 NEAR' sign-as <eligible-account-id> network-config testnet
  • <request_id> is returned in response of register_signature_request()
  • <eligible-account-id> must have permission to run get_signature(), otherwise it will throw forbidden error
  • Prepaid gas must be bigger than 250TGas

Response Example

  "signature": {
    "big_r": {
      "affine_point": "02D532992B0ECBF67800DB14E04530D9BA55609AD31213CC7ABDB554E8FDA986D3"
    "recovery_id": 1,
    "s": {
      "scalar": "40E81711B8174712B9F34B2540EE0F642802387D15543CBFC84211BB04B83AC3"
  "tx": "0x02f85083aa36a702850485034c878517a4eb0789829dd094e2a01146fffc8432497ae49a7a6cba5b9abd71a380a460fe47b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a84bc0"
  • tx is hex-encoded payload of EIP-1559 transaction
  • signature is derived by MPC Contract (see this repository to understand how it can be easily relayed to the EVM chain)

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