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Generate synthetic features and train the logistic regression classifier for the lightweight detection algorithm

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Training a classification model for the lightweight detection algorithm

The following steps describe the process of synthetic features and noises generation, and training a logistic regression classifier. Implementation of the method is based on the publication “Fast Object Detection Using Dimensional Based Features for Public Street Environments”.

Training pipeline

3. Generate synthetic features using 3D models of objects

Synthetic scenes containing 3D objects are rendered in the 2D image. Parameters of objects (size, rotation, coordinates) and camera (incline, intrinsics) are set in the config file. These parameters are chosen according to expected usage scenario. It is recommended to perform the following steps on multi-core servers, otherwise the process can take significant time.

3.1 Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3.2 Adjust config file

Parameters of a scene to be generated are specified in yaml file (see examples scenes/all_scenes.yml and scenes/lamp_pole.yml).

Section camera

Parameters to set camera intrinsics and camera angle

key description
params path to optimized camera parameters which have been obtained on step 2 (mentioned above ), see camera_matrices/ for examples
angle camera incline towards to ground surface: 0 deg. - the camera is parallel to the ground surface; -90 deg. - camera points perpendicularly down

Section obj_global

key description
thr size of a kernel for morphological dilate on the resulting mask to imitate motion blur
x_range object coordinates in meters along x axis (left, right relatively camera)
y_range ground surface coordinates in meters relatively to a camera origin (e.g. -5 is 5m of camera height)
z_range distance to an object from camera in meters

Axis orientation

Section obj:object_name

key description
file path to object wavefront .obj file containing vertices and polygons of the objects
scale scaling the object along y axis (the desired height of the object in meters), the scaling is uniform
rotate_y range of object rotation angles about y axis (movement direction imitation)
ry_init initial offset of r_y (some objects are initially rotated by back to a camera)
class integer object class used for training and classification

3.3 Adjust camera parameters

Camera parameters are set using the key params of the main config described above.

  • Generate base file containing camera parameters via camera matrix optimization which requires preliminary camera calibration
  • Manually add field focal_length to the base file with camera parameters. The focal_length is measured in mm and can be found in camera documentation.

3.4 Generate features

usage: [-h] [--csv CSV] [--show] config

Generate features of 3D objects

positional arguments:
  config      path to the configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --csv CSV   path to the output csv file (default:features.csv)
  --show      show the generated images (for debug only)

For example:

./ /path/to/adjusted_config.yml

The output of this script is a csv file containing object features for classifier training.

Names of columns used in the output csv can be changed in which has the following mapping by default:

column description
cam_a camera incline relative to a ground surface, deg
y ground surface offset (negative camera height) relative to a camera origin, m
z_est distance to the closest object point (for a camera) estimated by feature extractor, m
z real object distance the closest object point (for a camera), m
x_est central object x coordinate estimated by feature extractor, m
x real central object x coordinate, m
width_est object width estimated by feature extractor, m
ww real object width, m
height_est object height estimated by feature extractor, m
hh real object height, m
rw_ca_est object contour area estimated by feature extractor, m2
o_name unique name of an object
o_class object class as an integer, where 0 is a noise class
ry initial offset of r_y (some objects are initially rotated by back to a camera)
x_px left upper x coordinate of an object bounding rectangle in image plane, px
y_px left upper y coordinate of an object bounding rectangle in image plane, px
w_px width of an object bounding rectangle in image plane, px
h_px height of an object bounding rectangle in image plane, px
c_ar_px object contour area in image plane, px
thr size of the used kernel for morphological dilate on the resulting mask to imitate motion blur
dd real object depth, m


  • only a few generated features are used for classifier training, the rest is useful for debugging on the stage of features evaluation
  • if an object has intersections with the frame border this object is filtered out.

4. Generate noises

Pass the path to generated features (step 3.3) as CL argument and run the script to generate noises.

usage: [-h] [-n NOISES] [-p POINTS] features

Generate noises around features

positional arguments:
  features              path to the features csv file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NOISES, --noises NOISES
                        path to the output csv file containing noises features (default:noises.csv )
  -p POINTS, --points POINTS
                        amount of points per hull (default: 40000)

For example:

./ /path/to/object_features.csv

The output of this script is a csv file containing noises features for classifier training.

5. Evaluate feature distribution

Use the eval_notebooks/show_features.ipynb (jupyter-notebook) to plot the generated features. Make sure that features for all the required classes are represented in plots.

5.1 Troubleshooting

If some classes are not shown in plots eval_notebooks/show_features.ipynb it is possible to visualize how the images are rendered:

  • limit amount of generated scenes by narrowing the config (e.g. scenes/test_3)
  • add --show option when running script for feature generation:
    ./ scenes/test_3.yml --show

6. Train the logistic regression classifier

Pass the path to generated features and noises as CL arguments and run the script.

usage: [-h] [-c CLF] features noises

Train the logistic regression classifier

positional arguments:
  features           path to the features csv file
  noises             path to the noises csv file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -c CLF, --clf CLF  path to the output classifier (default: clf.pcl)

For example:

./ /path/to/object_features.csv /path/to/noises_features.csv

The output of the script is a pickled python dictionary with sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures and sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression of the following structure:

{'poly': object sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures
     {cam_angle_1: object sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression},
     {cam_angle_n: ...},

For example:

{'poly': PolynomialFeatures(),
 -3.32: {-39.0: LogisticRegression(C=3, n_jobs=-1, solver='newton-cg', verbose=1)}, 
 -3.4: {-39.0: LogisticRegression(C=3, n_jobs=-1, solver='newton-cg', verbose=1)}

The detection algorithm extracts 'poly' and required classifier model depending on concrete usage scenario (set in config file of the detection algorithm).


I. Matveev, K. Karpov, I. Chmielewski, E. Siemens, and A. Yurchenko, “Fast Object Detection Using Dimensional Based Features for Public Street Environments,” Smart Cities, vol. 3, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.3390/smartcities3010006.


Generate synthetic features and train the logistic regression classifier for the lightweight detection algorithm






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