A multi-browser test tool that fills the gap between headless and head-only browser-driven tests.
We have:
- Heads - Browsers that could run tests into.
- Neck - Neck :)
- Body - Things you want to test.
- Legs and arms - Test units, some cases are so random that causes kicks and punches into heads. Developers call them bugs.
- Step 1: Start a Neck server:
npm install -g neck;
# start Neck server
neck --port=5000;
# Neck is now running on http://localhost:5000
You could optionaly start a server by require( 'neck' ).Server
- Step 2: Connect some devices:
Access from a browser to: http://neck.server.ip.address:5000
You can connect browsers running on tablets, phones, computers, virtual machines, etc. We expect to be compatible with all of them (even IE 6, we hope!!)
- Step 3: Run tests:
See API and EXAMPLES for further implement information.
Developing our first pre-release
Neck uses findhit-hotplug as Plugin Management System.
If you want to develop an Head for Neck check please how we made neck-head-browser
Feel free to provide some Documentation for this! :)
Server should serve a double-side API Interface, as usual:
They should share the same interface:
- Heads
- Devices
- Windows
- Tasks
Head seems to be something very ambiguous. Head is a core of an interface, we could have a Browser-based Head, iOS-based Head, Android-based Head, and so on.
Heads are meant to be stackable, so we could have multiple heads running at the same time on the same server. For instance, we could create 2 instances of a Browser-based Head so we can separate tests from two different apps. Got it?
Since Neck
is "only" a bridge, we want you to create the next-gen Head, so if you got any idea don't hesitate to try and contribute! :)
You should connect multiple Devices to one Head, they belong to them! // 1:M You could have Google Glass connected into it, literally!
Each Device
should have specific properties so the test developers could filter some to choose where they want to run their tests.
I could give a pratical example with a Browser-based Device, do you know which properties it should have?
- Platform - linux, darwin, windows ...
- OS - Android 4.4.3, Mac OS 10.10, Ubuntu 14.10, Windows XP... // hehhe
- Browser - Chrome, Safari, Mozilla ...
- Device Manufacturer - Apple, Samsung, OEM ...
- Device Model - iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S7, OEM ...
I won't place here all examples but, you got the idea! :)
You should connect multiple Windows to one Device, they belong to them! // 1:M
Well, sorry windows fans, this has nothing to do with Microsoft® Windows®, the best example i can get you to understand this is: a Browser! On a browser you separate environments with window
instances, doesn't matter if they are windows, tabs or f*cking popups.
This should serve to run Tasks on a specific environment, you could do async or sync Tasks once you prepare your environment.
You should connect multiple Tasks to one Window, they belong to them! // 1:M
This is the final and ultimate awesomeness of Neck. Tasks should work-a-like, or be, Promises!
When you create a Task
it should transport:
- How fast it has to be, or how much time it has to wait.
- What it should do.
- Which Window should it run into.
Then it should work as a Promise!
Imagine how it would be if all Interfaces were extendable, well, they are! :)
In case you are creating your own module you are free to interact and use your own classes, how awesome is that? To learn more you have to understand how findhit-class works.
Neck is an open-source project started and owned by Junglecloud, the company that owns findhit. Give a peek at findhit's github page for more projects.