Check_MK testing environment in a Vagrantbox based on Debian and provisioned with Ansible.
- Virtualbox >= 5.2.8
- Vagrant >= 2.0.1
- Vagrant Plugins:
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- git clone
- cd check_mk-testing-environment
- vagrant up
- ... wait ...
- Open Check_MK in your web browser: http://checkmk.test/test/
The initial credentials are required for the access to the Check_MK Web GUI and shown during the provisoning.
TASK [checkmk : Get Web GUI credentials] ***************************************
changed: [default]
TASK [checkmk : Web GUI credentials] *******************************************
ok: [default] => {
"msg": "User=cmkadmin // Password=0LeNjwjE"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
default : ok=21 changed=16 unreachable=0 failed=0
A local Check_MK agent is installed. So, you can start with monitoring "" to test the functionality.
- Click on "Setup" -> "Hosts" -> "Create new host"
- Fill in "Hostname" in "Basic Settings" and set "IPv4 Address" to "" in "Network Address"
- Click on "Save & Go to service configuration"
- Wait for the "Full Service Scan" and click on "Add missing, remove vanished"
- Click on the orange button "2 changes" on the top and than "Activate on affected sites"
Feel free to report issues, fork this project and submit pull requests.