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Emilien Escalle edited this page Jan 8, 2019 · 4 revisions

The default configuration is setup to work with Zend Skeleton Application

1. AssetsBundle

  • bool production: Define the application environment (development => false). Default true.
  • mixed lastModifiedTime: (optionnal) Allows you to define an arbitrary asset's last modified time in production. Default null : last modified time is calculated for each asset.
  • string cachePath : cache directory absolute path, you can use the @zfRootPath constant corresponding to current working directory. Default @zfRootPath/public/cache.
  • string assetsPath : (optionnal) assets directory absolute path, allows you to define relative path for assets config. You can use the constant @zfRootPath corresponding to current working directory. Default @zfRootPath/public.
  • string tmpDirPath : (optionnal) tmp directory absolute path, allows you to define relative path for assets config. You can use the constant @zfRootPath corresponding to current working directory. Default sys_get_temp_dir().
  • string processedDirPath : (optionnal) processed files directory absolute path, allows you to define relative path for assets config. You can use the constant @zfRootPath corresponding to current working directory. Default @zfRootPath/data/AssetsBundle/processed.
  • string baseUrl : (optionnal) Base URL of the application. If null, the base url is guessed. Default null.
  • string cacheUrl : cache directory base url, you can use the constant @zfBaseUrl corresponding to application base url . Default @zfBaseUrl/assets/cache/.
  • array mediaExt : Put here all medias extensions to be cached. Default array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'cur', 'ttf', 'eot', 'svg', 'woff', 'otf', 'woff2',).
  • bool recursiveSearch: If you define a folder as required asset, it will search for matching assets in that folder and its subfolders. Default false.
  • int filesPermissions : Permissions for created files. Default 0664
  • int directoriesPermissions : Permissions for created directories 0775
  • array filters : configure asset file filter by extensions

2. Assets

You can define assets for modules / controllers / action

Exemple :

return [
   // ...
   'assets_bundle' => [
       // ...
       'assets' => [
           // Common assets included in every pages
           'css' => [], // Declare css files to include
           'js' => [], // Declare js files to include
           'less' => [], // Declare less files to include
           'scss' => [], // Declare scss files to include
           'media' => [], // Declare images to manage

           // Modules dedicated assets
           'Test' =>  => [ // "Test" is the name of the module

               'css' => [],
               'js' => [],
               'less' => [],
               'scss' => [],
               'media' => [],

               // Controller dedicated assets
               'Test\Controller\Name' => [
                   'css' => [],
                   'js' => [],
                   'less' => [],
                   'scss' => [],
                   'media' => [],

                   // Action specific assets
                   'ActionName'=> [
                       'css' => [],
                       'js' => [],
                       'less' => [],
                       'scss' => [],
                       'media' => [],
  • For each asset, you can declare files or directories. All these elements are related to the asset path by default, but you can specify an absolute path or use the constants "@zfAssetsPath" and "@zfRootPath".

If you declare a directory, all files matching the asset type (css, less, js, media) will be included.

  • You can use .php file as asset, it will be interpret.

  • You can use url for asset file, it will be downloaded:

return [
    // ...
    'assets_bundle' => [
        // ...
        'assets' => [
            'js' => [
            // ...
        // ...

This example includes Boostrap javascript from Bootstrap CDN

  • You can define an inclusion order like this :
return [
    // ...
    'assets_bundle' => [
        // ...
        'assets' => [
            'js' => [
            // ...
    // ...

This example includes the file "firstFile.js" first, and all other javascript files in the folder "js"


A filter is a service that parse an asset file content, each supported extensions (css, js, less, scss, png, jpg, jpeg, gif) has a default dedicated filter.

  • scss: ScssAssetFileFilter
  • less: LessphpAssetFileFilter
  • css: CssAssetFileFilter
  • js: JShrinkAssetFileFilter
  • png: PngAssetFileFilter
  • jpg: JpegAssetFileFilter
  • jpeg: JpegAssetFileFilter
  • gif: GifAssetFileFilter

Available filters

  • ScssAssetFileFilter: SCSS compiler, it uses leafo/scssphp
  • LesscAssetFileFilter: Lessphp compiler, it uses neilime/lessphp (compliant fork of leafo/lessphp)
  • LessphpAssetFileFilter: Less parser, it uses oyejorge/less.php
  • CssAssetFileFilter: Css compressor, it uses tubalmartin/cssmin (PHP port of the YUI CSS compressor)
  • JsMinAssetFileFilter: Javascript Minifier, it uses mrclay/jsmin-php (Port of Douglas Crockford's jsmin.c)
  • JShrinkAssetFileFilter: Javascript Minifier, it uses tedivm/jshrink
  • PngAssetFileFilter: Png optimizer, it uses gd2
  • JpegAssetFileFilter: Jpeg optimizer, it uses gd2
  • GifAssetFileFilter: Gif optimizer, it uses gd2

How to change a filter

In the assets_bundle configuration, you can define which filter you want to use.
Example, change the Javascript minifier filter:

'filters' => [
    \AssetsBundle\AssetFile\AssetFile::ASSET_JS => 'JsMinAssetFileFilter',

How to disable a default filter

In the assets_bundle configuration, you can disable default filters.
Example, disable filters for image:

'filters' => [
    'png' => new \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils\MergeRemoveKey(),
    'jpg' => new \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils\MergeRemoveKey(), 
    'jpeg' => new \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils\MergeRemoveKey(),
    'gif' => new \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils\MergeRemoveKey(),