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Kafka Streams example app

Example app to demonstrate Kafka Streams with Kotlin.

Kafka Streams Topology

Kafka Streams Topology is configured in AdjustmentsStreams.kt, as follows:

Topology Diagram

  1. Source is adjust-balance topic.
  2. Records flow downstream through a stateful transformer:
    • If account retains positive balance, balance adjustment is accepted and balance is persisted in a balance-store state store.
    • If account would result in an overdraft, balance adjustment is rejected.
  3. Stream is materialized to:
    • balance-adjustment topic if successful
    • balance-adjustment-rejected topic if rejected

Adjustments Streams App will send a new record to adjust-balance topic every second.

Topology Tests

Topology is tested in AdjustmentsStreamTest.kt. No real Kafka broker is used, so the tests execute very quickly with very little overhead.


Spin up Kafka

Only spin up Kafka components and run Adjustments Streams App outside docker-compose, i.e. you have to start it manually.

Script will also create topics defined in topics.txt

$ ./

Spin up everything

Spin up everything inside docker-compose:

$ ./

Stop everything

$ ./

Follow output topic

Follow balance-adjustment / balance-adjustment-rejected topic.

$ ./

Follow topic balance-adjustment

$ ./ rejected

Follow topic balance-adjustment-rejected
{"accountId":"8","adjustedAmount":-40,"reason":"Insufficient funds"}
{"accountId":"8","adjustedAmount":-50,"reason":"Insufficient funds"}