Topic and issue
This project I made in November 2020 is an individual assignment of the course AIDM 7330 @HKBU, which aims to dig out the hidden facts in the loss of American dissaster in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The sensational numbers about the Covid-19 pandemic in America keep growing in 2020 as Americans don’t stop traveling nationally. But it’s hard for the foreigners to understand how serious the pandemic is in this country. By using visual elements, the data could leads the audience to know more deeply about the sufferings of Americans in this unstable year.
With the help of the Google Dataset Search recommended by HKBU Library in the Data Repositories, it’s easy to find the dataset United States COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State over Time provided by CDC, which contains the detailed data of different states about the Covid-19 cases and deaths since January 22 2020, as well as the daily numbers of new cases.
Dataset One:
- United States COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State over Time provided by CDC:
Dataset Two:
- Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) provided by CDC:
Distribution of Deaths by Race and Hispanic Origin, which shows the correlation between the death and the race.
Dataset Three:
- Weekly counts of deaths by jurisdiction and race and Hispanic origin provided by CDC:
- Data Analysis - Python