Web application that decrypts content stored on (potentially any) cloud, and presents it to user.
- In "PyCharm Professional" open "File"->"Settings"
- "Languages & Frameworks"->"Python Template Languages"
- From "Template language" drop-down choose "Django"
- In "Template language"->"Django" check "Enable Django Support"
- Set "Django project root" to project root
- Set "Settings" to "(project_name)\settings.py"
- Set "Manage scripts" to "manage.py"
- In "PyCharm Professional" open "Run"->"Edit Configurations..."
- Add new "Django server"
- Enter "Host": and "Port": arbitrary value (recommended: 8000)
- Check "Custom run command", and type "runsslserver" (novo)
Now you can Run and Debug server from PyCharm
- Python 2.7.11 (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- PyCharm Professional 2016.1 (https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows)
- Django 1.9 (in cmd run as administrator: "pip install django==1.9")
- Addition packages (install them from PyCharm):
- PIL 1.1.7
- pycrypto 2.6.1
- djangorestframework 3.3.3
- bcrypt 3.0.0
- django-secure 1.0.1 (novo)
- django-sslserver 0.19 (novo)