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Coin DeMixer for


Coin DeMixer web application offers a heuristic for deanonymization of transactions coming into and out of former service. DeMixer helps to track the spending history of cryptocurrency assets laundered via BestMixer.

Coin DeMixer consolidates mixing approaches reverse-engineered from services such as Bitcoin Blender, Bitcoin Laundry,, PrivCoin,, and MixTum. Heuristic tailored for was produced based on the behavior of cryptocurrency tumblers mentioned above. Although law enforcement authorities seized, the heuristic and web application can be customized to support compatible (i.e., using the same principle as BestMixer) tumbling service.


JANE Framework

This application is one of the modules of the JANE platform, which offers various mission-specific tools intended for digital forensics of computer networks. JANE follows microservice architecture and offers few containerized modules such as:

  • sMaSheD - tracks IP addresses and ports of well-known mining services. It also records the availability of mining service on;
  • Cryptoalarm - sends email/REST notifications triggered by the appearance of cryptocurrency address in new transactions;
  • DeMixer - DeMixer applies proof-of-concept heuristic (working on cluster), which can correlate incoming and outgoing transactions going via mixing services;
  • Cryptoclients - Blockbook web-application offers generic blockchain explorer supporting major cryptocurrencies (e.g., BTC, ETH, LTS, DASH, ZCASH);
  • Toreator - stores metadata about Tor relays including IP addresses, capabilities and time when they were active;
  • MozArch - MozArch is web-application that periodically downloads, parses, decodes, and archives (in the MAFF) webpages appearing on the public Internet.

JANE and its modules are outcomes of the TARZAN project supported by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Coin DeMixer was developed in the frame of the master thesis of Matyáš Anton supervised by Vladimír Veselý in 2019.


The primary motivation behind DeMixer's development was a necessity to address cryptocurrency tumbling as a predominant obfuscation technique when laundering assets connected with criminal activity.

DeMixer takes incoming/outgoing Bitcoin transactions processed by as input and guesses corresponding outgoing/incoming transactions based on value, service and transaction fees, and time window.


DeMixer queries official cryptocurrency client (such as Bitcoin Core available as another JANE module) via RPC. DeMixer works with clustering data provided either by WalletExplorer web application or own clustering system (through defined API).

Coin DeMixer is a web application written in PHP with the help of the Laravel framework and Guzzle HTTP client:

  • PHP 7.1.3
  • Laravel 5.8
  • Guzzle 6.3

Installation guideline

Coin DeMixer web application source codes are available in the followin GitHub repository folder. Deployment of JANE DeMixer module can be cloned via Git repository.


All JANE modules run as containerized microservices. Therefore, the production environment is the same for all of them. JANE uses Docker for containerization. We expect that JANE containers can operate on any containerization solution compatible with Docker (such as Podman).

JANE was developed and tested on CentOS 7/8, but it can be run on any operating system satisfying the following configuration. Here is a list of installation steps to successfully configure the hosting system:

  1. enable routing for (virtual) network interface cards /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

  2. enable NAT on outside facing interfaces firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent install

  3. add Docker repository

yum-config-manager \
    --add-repo \
  1. install Docker package and its prerequisites yum install -y docker-ce

  2. run Docker as system service and enable it as one of the daemons

systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
  1. install docker-compose staging application
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
cp /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /sbin/docker-compose
  1. install Docker add-on which allows to specify destinations for dynamically created volumes
curl -fsSL | sudo bash


Coin DeMixer consists of two containers - Laravel 5.8 web application and nginx 1.10 HTTP server. In order to deploy DeMixer on your server:

  1. clone DeMixer repository git clone

  2. copy container environmental variables file cp .env.example .env

  3. specify in .env public port on which DeMixer will be available and existing virtual network name nano .env

  1. copy web application environmental variables file cp ./demixer/.env.example ./demixer/.env

  2. specify in ./demixer/.env following parameters (where for Bitcoin/Litecoin clients you may consider to deploy JANE cryptoclients module)

CLUSTER_CLIENT=<DeMixer compatible cluster provider>
BTC_CORE_HOSTNAME=<host running official Bitcoin client>
BTC_CORE_PORT=<port for RPC calls>
BTC_CORE_USERNAME=<Bitcoin client RPC username>
BTC_CORE_PASSWORD=<Bitcoin client RPC password>
LTC_CORE_HOSTNAME=<host running official Litecoin client>
LTC_CORE_PORT=<port for RPC calls>
LTC_CORE_USERNAME=<Litecoin client RPC username>
LTC_CORE_PASSWORD=<Litecoin client RPC password>
  1. pull containers from Docker hub repository docker-compose pull

  2. optionally build web application locally docker-compose build demix-app

  3. run containers docker-compose up -d

User manual


The heuristic works with the premise that mixing service operator (such as uses a single wallet (i.e., cluster of addresses) to handle cryptocurrency assets. This means that for any incoming transaction (i.e., mixing service user depositing assets for laundering) to the cluster, there exist one or more subsequent outgoing transactions from that same cluster returning tumbled cryptocurrencies (back to the user). Outgoing transaction(s) should satisfy the following conditions:

  • to have the same value as incoming transaction minus blockchain and operator's fee
  • to happen later than the incoming transaction but no later than service mixing upper bound limit

Pseudo-algorithm behind heuristic goes through these steps when determining matching outgoing transactions for a given input:

  1. Determine cluster C belonging to mixing service
  2. Remember time t of incoming transaction and its output value v
  3. Iterate through a list of all transactions L in blockchain from t to t + dmax, where dmax represents maximum delay for laundering, which mixing service offers
  4. Select only those transactions in L, which satisfy: a) has one or more addresses from C as inputs; b) has one or more addresses not from C as outputs; c) output value for any address satisfying b) equals to vfee, where fee is in the range of acceptable fees as announced by mixing service

User stories

DeMixer is a web application that does not need any authorized user access. DeMixer consists of the following views:

  • Basic search - takes incoming/outgoing transaction identifier and tries to find transactions with a corresponding value using default settings (dmax equal to 72 hours, fee in the range 1-4% including 0.0004 BTC transaction/miner fee).
  • Advanced search - offers further customization of heuristic parameters: a) the range of minimum/maximum service operator fees; b) the range of minimum/maximum blockchain transaction fees; and c) the time range for transaction list window
  • Search results - displays a list of transactions matched by heuristic algorithm.


When using Basic search, the user inputs transaction id and marks this transaction as incoming/outgoing. Then the user may select mixing heuristic (by default the same as was using, which is described above) and cluster provider (by default Tarzan). User then clicks on Search button and waits for results.

Basic search

When using Advanced search, the user customizes all inputs of demixing heuristics and submits using Search.

Advanced search

Search results page displays possible candidates (i.e., transactions). Each candidate contains highlighted address that matched heuristics. Candidates may contain more than one transaction and in that case sum of all highligted address corresponds to the input value.

Search results


In order to have ground truth and validate Coin DeMixer heuristics, we have conducted our own attempts to mix our cryptocurrency assets using We have sent to three transactions:

TX #1 Property Value
Incoming txid 671bacf7b79272cab3ade1d9d3162bd96a0151542e8f337698bd1e48e65d8652
Incoming address 3KuhVxYpcCEoZezNPndTPxqnoDdsPiiM3Z
Outgoing txid 8621e1c1955941037f391658c9785ab98ff76b112b3327e099dac01d19b4eacc
Outgoing address 3JZVY58aSmYY6PiYM3Vb6P25nhGUhwa6QW
Delay 2 hours 40 minutes
Deposited amount 0.0015 BTC
Fee 1%
Time 8.1.2019 16:07:54
TX #2 property Value
Incoming txid c5b452b31c2534fccb331c1837ed200b0b36437052ea5230c3d02ea6c56655e2
Incoming address 13a3hJNN9HzqrC6B5caTxoaB5UGwA8w5kA
Outgoing txid d3bf0904cadd9416c1167e8ff80e7ff8801942920063505e7ef71f96d36b6d7e
Outgoing address 3KGVsRKZKD7aj5Qr9uyqcVHE3mNFFDTqau
Delay 2 hours 40 minutes
4 hours 40 minutes
Deposited amount 0.002 BTC
Fee 1%
Time 28.2.2019 21:52
TX #3 Property Value
Incoming txid 29a484238d2d642702b1c559f4b613c011fe67444ea2131b95510d0848ab7585
Incoming address 36YNn7G23RFYZMHBLfNHjevWiAQs4nrhs9
Outgoing txid 7b0843e05c6f0e315808ed010b5bd6a9fd7252b45ed10564eca52d512e14b92e
Outgoing address 3AEJxHHT1iuVkDNbBrcxFRHwiVDjpVzkti
Delay 2 hours
Deposited amount 0.0015 BTC
Fee 2%
Time 27.1.2019 20:12

Programmer's documentation

The programmer's documentation for DeMixer is autogenerated with the help of phpDox. This documentation is available statically in docs folder. Moreover, for your convenience, it is also available online through JANE's landing page.

Class Diagram

Class diagram corresponding to source codes of final application:

Class diagram


JANE - Coin Demixer for






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