Toreator-ui is PWA application for searching IPs in Tor network. Project is divided into the 2 modules:
- Toreator proxy - GraphQL proxy implementation provides forwarding and caching for Toreator service.
- Toreator web - Single-page React application.
Project was generated with create-sbspa tool.
Install yarn
npm install -g yarn
Application contains Docker configuration for web and proxy.
Use docker command in root directory of the application
docker-compose up --built
This will build images and create container with running proxy and web
Besides docker configuration, it is possible to run modules separately. In frontend directory install and run web.
yarn install
gradle build
yarn start:dev
yarn start
gradle runWeb
Available at localhost:3000.
In backend directory install and run proxy.
gradle build
gradle runApi
Available at localhost:8080.
Graphical UI available at localhost:8080/graphiql.
Run tests with yarn
yarn run test
Run tests on changed files
yarn run test:changed
Run tests with coverage
yarn run test:coverage
Update tests
yarn run test:update
Run checkstyle (build/reports/checkstyle.html)
gradle checkstyleMain
Run findbugs (build/reports/findbugs.html)
gradle findbugsMain
- Coding styles for Backend are defined in <backend_folder>/config
- Coding styles for Frontend are defined in <fronted_folder>/tslint.json
Check tests for backend and frontend for more information.
Frontend application uses prepush and precommit hooks.
- Prepush is invoked before push to central repository with command:
yarn run test:coverage
Coverage threshold can be modified in jest.config.js
- Precommit is invoked before commit. Calls lint (static analyzer) to check coding styles.
yarn run lint-staged
Static analyzer can be modified in tslint.json
Deploy frontend or backend with provided docker configuration. In root frontend or backend directory run
docker build . -t <name>:<version>
Or use docker-compose command
docker-compose up --build
For styling ui, there are styled-components.
For creating layout, there are two components Box and Flex (/toreator-web/src/modules/shared/components).
Components can be styled with props or extended with template syntax
const StyledDiv = styled.div`
background: black;
color: ${props => props.theme.palette.purpleColor};
theme.tsx (/toreator-web/src/modules/shared/styles/) defines application theme, colors and breakpoints.
This theme is available in props of the styled component.
Styled components are separated from components with business logic, they use file suffix .styled.tsx
Padding based on breakpoints
<Box p={[2,2,3,3,4]} />
For mobile it will use (2*4 = 8 -> 2 is index in space array in theme.tsx).
For tablet it will use (3*4 = 12)
For desktop it will use (4*4 = 16)
This section describes some specific modules in Application
Main application class with Async route definition.
Each page (container/component) can be asynchronously loaded with support of Webpack chunks. It helps to break application into the smaller chunks, which are lazy loaded.
Route definition: HomePage route with root container in "./modules/home-page".
export const routes = {
homePage: () =>
// @ts-ignore
lazy(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: "HomePage" */ "./home-page")),
Routes are evaluated in Router.tsx class (modules/shared/components/Router.tsx). You can freely change loading component and other properties of the DynamicRouter component. Each page should be separate module - lazy loaded.
Generator provides support for redux and sagas with async injection feature. This is basic flux implementation for controlling application state. This logic is used for api calls.
In development mode redux actions can be seen in Chrome Redux devtools
Store is defined in common/store/store.tsx. It contains store setup with reducers and sagas. Also includes Redux devtools extension for development.
You can add your reducer directly to store or inject it asynchronously.
Create your reducer myReducer.tsx
import {combineActions, handleActions} from "redux-actions";
const defaultState = "";
const reducer = handleActions(
(state, {payload: {value}}) => value,
export default reducer;
Add it to reducerRegistry reducerRegistry.tsx
import myReducer from "./reducers/myReducer"
public getReducers() {
return {
myReducer: myReducer,
Reducers and sagas can be injected asynchronously with implemented helper function in common/store/helpers.tsx
Example usage of async reducer and saga.
Create an app container
import {compose} from "redux";
import * as React from "react";
import {connect} from "react-redux";
import reducer from "./reducers/myReducer";
import {withInjectedReducersAndSagas} from "../../common/store/helpers";
import saga from "./sagas/mySaga";
import {myReducerAction} from "./actions/myActions";
const ExampleContainer = ({value, myReducerAction}) =><div onClick={()=>myReducerAction("click")}>{value}My container!</div>
export default compose(
key: "MY_REDUCER",
value: reducer
key: "MY_SAGA",
value: saga
// after async injection u can easily connect to store
value: state["MY_REDUCER"].value
myReducerAction: value => dispatch(myReducerAction(value))
Reducer definition ./reducers/myReducer
import {combineActions, handleActions} from "redux-actions";
const defaultState = "";
const reducer = handleActions(
(state, {payload: {value}}) => value,
export default reducer;
Saga definition ./sagas/mySaga
import {takeEvery} from "redux-saga/effects";
const watchAction = function* watchAction() {
function* rootSaga() {
yield takeEvery("MY_REDUCER/MY_REDUCER_ACTION", watchAction);
export default rootSaga;
Actions definition ./actions/myActions
export const {
myReducer: {myReducerAction},
} = createActions({
[`MY_REDUCER_ACTION`]: value => ({value}),
Ducks (home-page/ducks/) contain implementation of above example
Contains UI actions
- api.tsx - API request and response actions. There are defined graphql requests with two basic API actions
export const ApiActions: Action = {
apiFulfilled: [`${API_REDUCER}/API_FULFILLED`],
apiRequest: [`${API_REDUCER}/API_REQUEST`],
apiRequest is action that calls toreator-proxy
apiFulfilled is action invoked after reponse is acquired from toreator-proxy
Each request can define variety of props that will be send to Saga function described bellow.
cache parameter is used to keep response until a page is refreshed. It is used for request that are not changing that often.
Important: getCustomRequest method can be used for creating custom requests to toreator-proxy
- searchForm.tsx - Search form actions. Actions invoked after user input
export const SearchFormActions: Action = {
- searchPath.tsx - Search history. Actions that save last searched IP address.
export const SearchPathActions: Action = {
Reducers are used to update application state in store
- api.tsx - Api reducer that changes state according to api actions
- searchForm.tsx - SearchForm reducer that changes state according to searchForm actions
- searchPath.tsx - SearchPath reducer that changes state according to searchPath actions
Sagas (ducks/sagas)
Sagas are used to react on actions in UI. It is great for cache control, api requests, etc. In this application, there is api.tsx saga that reacts on actions:
yield takeEvery(ApiActions.apiRequest, watchApiRequest);
yield takeEvery(ApiActions.apiRequest, watchDefaultListRequest);
yield takeLatest(SearchFormActions.setResultFilter, watchSetResultFilter);
yield takeLatest(SearchFormActions.submitSearchForm, watchSubmitSearchForm);
First parameter is action we want to listen on. Second one is fuction with custom logic. For API request we use action effect watchApiRequest
const watchApiRequest = function*(action: Action) {
const {
} = action.payload.request;
const api = yield select(getApi);
const lastValue = api[requestKey].data;
try {
// Caching all requests with cache attribute
if (cache && lastValue) {
yield put(apiFulfilled({response: {...lastValue}, requestKey, dataType}));
const response = yield client.request(query, variables);
yield put(apiFulfilled({response, requestKey, dataType}));
} catch (error) {
yield put(apiFulfilled({error, requestKey, dataType}));
Properties (query,variables, ...) are obtained from action creators in ducks/actions/api.tsx.
Cache prop and last value in cache are used to decide if request is needed.
dataType prop is used to decide if response should be displayed in a table or as an information list. (because we can get two types of data structures)
You can create another sagas and reducers. How to add created saga and reducer to store is described above, but example can be found in HomePage.tsx (home-page/containers/)
export default compose(
reducers: [
value: reducer,
value: searchPathReducer,
value: searchFormReducer,
sagas: [
key: API_SAGA,
value: rootSaga,
connect((state, props) => ({
isLoading: isLoadingLastRequest(state),
Selectors are used to select state from store. They are separated for better understanding of the application lifecycle. They use basic definition.
export const getSearchForm = (state: any): any => state[SEARCH_FORM_REDUCER];
export const getActiveFilter = createSelector(
(filterState: FilterState) => filterState.filter,
- HomePage.tsx - Root home page container, registers reducers, sagas in store
- SearchForm.tsx - Form with search input and filter select
- Results.tsx - Result container that displays results
- ResultFilters.tsx - Filters in result section (IPv4 and IPv6 filter)
- History.tsx - History components that displays search path
- Filters.tsx - Filters used in search form
Api endpoint can be changed in toreator.tsx (constants/)
Webpack build is located in root directory (webpack.config.js)
This section describes some specific modules in Application
This class contains configuration for API
- headers configuration
- Toreator service url configuration
This class contains configuration for cache
- List of available caches
Filter implementation to allow JavaScript OPTION requests
Services are used to define requests, process requests and cache responses
- ApiServiceImpl - API REST client for Toreator service with response parsing
- CacheServiceImpl - Util cache functions
- AddressServiceImpl, InfoServiceImpl, RequestServiceImpl - request definitions for address, info or custom requests
Resolvers are used for postprocessing of model fields. For address we can acquire data, which is postprocessing of Address object.
Models contains object definition -> same as in schema definition. If getter or setter defined in schema definition is missing in model, it has to be defined in Resolver.
For example getInfo getter is not in model, so it is in resolver.
Util functions.
- AddressHelper - util functions to parse Address data
Each DAO object contains functions called from Query.
Each request starts with getting value and last modified timestamp from cache
JSONObject cachedValue = (JSONObject) cacheService.getCacheValue(ApiConstants.CACHE_ADDRESSES_DEFAULT, "");
String lastModified = AddressHelper.getLastModified(cachedValue);
If the value is in cache and value is not older than stated time, the value is returned from the cache.
if (cachedValue != null && cacheService.isInValidTimeRange(lastModified)) {
return getResultFromCachedValue(cachedValue);
Otherwise we call request to Toreator service. If the service returns 304. We return value from cache.
JSONObject response = addressService.getAddressList(lastModified);
if (response.get(ApiConstants.PARAM_STATUS).equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
JSONArray results = (JSONArray) response.get(ApiConstants.PARAM_DATA);
List<Address> addresses =
resultsToList(results).stream().map(id -> addAddress(id, null)).collect(Collectors.toList());
addToCache(ApiConstants.CACHE_ADDRESSES_DEFAULT, "", addresses,
return addresses;
} else if (response.get(ApiConstants.PARAM_STATUS).equals(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED) && cachedValue != null) {
return getResultFromCachedValue(cachedValue);
Schema definition with supporoted queries.
default cache TTL is defined in ApiConstants (/constants)
- TOREATOR_URL - Toreator service URL
- TOREATOR_PROXY_URL - Toreator proxy URL with suffix "/graphql"
- TOREATOR_PROXY_CACHE_TTL - Minimal proxy cache TTL for results
- React - The web framework used
- GraphQL - The api framework used
- Spring-boot - The backend framework used
- Norbert Durcansky - Initial work - norbertdurcansk
This project is licensed under the MIT License