Isomorphic utilities, components and hooks for Fresh and Preact.
The unstyled Preact components.
Completely unstyled popover for preact built with Floating UI
import { useRef } from "preact/hooks";
import Popover from "";
export default function App() {
const ref = useRef(null);
return (
<button ref={ref}>Open popover</button>
className="bg-white shadow-lg rounded-lg p-4"
A component that toggles a class on a target element. The target element can be a ref or a selector.
import { tw } from "twind/core";
import ToggleClass from "";
export default function MenuButton(props: MenuButtonProps) {
return (
<MenuIcon />
Hydrate components only when they are in the viewport or when an event is
emitted. You can control hydration by emmiting a custom event on the document.
By default, the component supports the visible
event which is implemented with
an intersection observer.
import { tw } from "twind/core";
import LazyHydrate from "";
export default function MenuButton(props: MenuButtonProps) {
return (
<MyComplexComponent {...props} />
Useful plugins for Fresh.
A plugin that enables the use of global Preact Context in islands. Current verion supports only one provider and only JSON-serializable values.
import Context from "./context.ts";
import contextPlugin from "tailored/plugins/context.ts";
await start(manifest, {
plugins: [
new URL("./context.ts", import.meta.url).href,
Used for client-only code:
import clientPlugin from "tailored/plugins/client.ts";
await start(manifest, {
plugins: [
new URL("./client.ts", import.meta.url).href,
Show a progress indicator while the page is loading:
import preloaderPlugin from "tailored/plugins/preloader.ts";
await start(manifest, {
plugins: [
preloaderPlugin("#48d1cc", "4px"),
Twind v1 plugin for Fresh. Based on the official fresh plugin for twind v0.x
A set of useful hooks for preact.
- useContextFetch(ctx)
Retutns fetch function with set headers from context:
{headers: {}}
- useClickOutside(callback, refOrSelector, eventType="click")
Handle click outside of an element set by ref or selector.
- useCssPlayEnd(onFinish, ref, inputs=[])
Handle the end of a CSS animation or/and transition. At the time doesn't handle infinite animations.
- useDebounceCallback(callback, delay, inputs=[])
Returns an object with a debounced version of the
. - useEventListener(eventName, handler, elementRef, options)
Handles adding event listener to an element or a set of elements (elementRef).
- usePosition(ref, options)
Calculate position of a floating element. Ported from @floating-ui/react-dom
- useI18n(ctx)
Use translations set from context:
{lc: {en: {}}, lang: "en"}
Start the project:
deno task dev
This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary.
PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=chrome deno run -A --unstable
deno task test