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NethVoice CTI

NethVoice CTI is a web application allows the user to have a web phone to manage calls, modify the phonebook, handle the queues of a switchboard, use the chat between connected users and much more.

Type of users

To better understand the needs of the different types of user who use NethVoice CTI, this file on Figma identifies 4 Personas.

Project scaffolding

  • components - contains the reusable components
    • The components are divided in subdirectories by macrosection, for example:
      • history
      • layout
      • login
      • operators
      • phonebook
      • common
      • settings
  • config - contains the configuration files for the app
    • Build and project configuration are in the root directory of the project
  • lib - contains functions that can be extracted from components
    • The files are divided by context, for example:
      • login.ts
      • notification.ts
      • operators.ts
      • phonebook.ts
      • websocket.ts
      • util.ts
  • pages - contains all the pages of the application
  • models - contains the models used by rematch
  • public - contains the static files
  • services - contains the requests to the server's APIs
  • store - contains the stores for rematch
  • styles - contains the styling files
  • theme - contains classes used by the common components


The project is initialized using Next.js with Typescript and uses Tailwind CSS for the design.




  • Node.js 12.22.0 or later

Install dependencies

npm install

Run locally in development mode:

npm run dev

Build locally:

npm run build

Start locally:

npm start

Other command could be available in package.json scripts.

Development Tools

To ensure a good development experince the following extensions are recommended for vscode:


The project can be locally built through containers.


Clone this repository

git clone
cd nethvoice-cti

Create the container image:


  • Access to
  • A valid token with repo permission of your GitHub account
podman build --env ICONS_TOKEN=<YOUR_VALID_GH_TOKEN> -t .

It returns the image_id.

Note: the image is automatically built on GitHub actions on each push.


The project can be deployed through containers.

It is possible to specify some variables through environment:

PRODUCT_NAME (default: "NethVoice CTI")
COMPANY_NAME (default: "Nethesis")
COMPANY_URL (default: "")
LOGIN_PEOPLE (rebranding of the login people image: it can be shown or hidden based on the value (show or hide string value))
NAVBAR_LOGO_URL (rebranding of navbar logo: specify a URL to a SVG image)
NAVBAR_LOGO__DARK_URL (rebranding of navbar logo: specify a URL to a SVG image)
LOGIN_LOGO_URL (rebranding of login logo: specify a URL to a SVG image)
LOGIN_LOGO_DARK_URL (rebranding of login logo in dark mode: specify a URL to a SVG image)
FAVICON_URL (used for rebranding: specify a URL to an ICO image)
LOGIN_BACKGROUND_URL (used for rebranding: specify a URL to a SVG image)
API_ENDPOINT (default: host + port + path)
API_SCHEME (default: current protocol ["http://"|"https://"])
WS_ENDPOINT (default: wss://host + port + path + "/ws")
SIP_HOST (default: "")
SIP_PORT (default: "5060")


To change the logos and background of application you have to set these enviroment variables (reference of variables type above):



Run the container specifying an API endpoint :

podman run --rm --name nethvoice-cti --env='' -p 3000:3000/tcp

Run the container with custom logos and background :

podman run --tz='Europe/Rome' --rm --name nethvoice-cti \
  --env='' \
  --env='API_SCHEME=https://' \
  --env='LOGIN_PEOPLE=hide' \
  --env="TIMEZONE=Europe/Rome" \
  --env="HOST=" \
  --env='FAVICON_URL=' \
  --env='NAVBAR_LOGO_URL=' \
  --env='LOGIN_LOGO_URL=' \
  --env='LOGIN_LOGO_DARK_URL=' \
  -p 3000:3000

If port 3000 is already in use, replace it with a free one.

The project will be available on localhost:3000

Dark mode and custom color palette

CTI color palette is defined in tailwind.config.js and consists of five shades of a primary color (currently green). These five shades are named:

  • primary
  • primaryLighter
  • primaryLight
  • primaryDark
  • primaryDarker

Most of UI components are derived from Tailwind UI. Tailwind code needs to be adapted to use CTI color palette and to support dark mode, so:

  • every Tailwind class that is color related (e.g. bg-sky-100, text-indigo-600) needs to be changed in order to use CTI color palette
  • for every Tailwind class that is color related, a dark: class must be added to specify the color used in dark mode

See next paragraphs for details.

Change Tailwind color related classes

Tailwind CSS represents color shades with numbers from 50 (lightest) to 900 (darkest). Here are some examples to adapt color related classes included in Tailwind components for CTI color palette:

  • bg-sky-600 becomes bg-primary
  • bg-sky-700 becomes bg-primaryDark
  • text-sky-900 becomes text-primaryDarker
  • border-sky-100 becomes border-primaryLighter
  • ring-sky-500 becomes ring-primaryLight

Add Tailwind classes to support dark mode

  • Never use white and black colors in dark mode. Use gray-100 (very light gray) and gray-900 (very dark gray) instead
  • The sum of color shades in light and dark mode should be about 900 (e.g. 100+800, 300+600, 400+500). In dark mode light colors become dark, and dark colors become light
  • Sometimes, little manual adjustments are needed (e.g. to make an icon more legible in dark mode)
  • Some examples:
    • bg-white: add class dark:bg-gray-900 (don't use black)
    • bg-gray-100: add class dark:bg-gray-800
    • bg-gray-400: add class dark:bg-gray-500
    • text-gray-600: add class dark:text-gray-300
    • text-gray-900: add class dark:text-gray-100 (don't use white)
    • bg-primary: add class dark:bg-primary (primary color is unchanged in dark mode)
    • ring-primaryLight: add class dark:ring-primaryDark
    • text-primaryDarker: add class dark:text-primaryLighter

More examples are included in this PR