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NS8 NethVoice proxy module, a SIP and RTP proxy allows multiple instances of NethVoice to be hosted on the same Node. The proxy uses Kamailio and rtpengine as core components.

Module overview

flowchart LR
subgraph Host Network
    subgraph Proxy[NethVoice Proxy Module]
    subgraph NethVoice1[NethVoice Module 1]
        Kamailio -- Custom sip ports --> Asterisk1[Asterisk]
        RTPengine -- Custom port range -->Asterisk1[Asterisk]
    subgraph NethVoiceN[NethVoice Module N]
        Kamailio -- Custom sip ports --> AsteriskN[Asterisk]
        RTPengine -- Custom port range -->AsteriskN[Asterisk]
    NethVoice1 -.. N instance of NethVoice Module ..- NethVoiceN
sip>SIP Connections]-- Standard SIP ports --> Kamailio
rtp>RTP Flows]-- 10000-20000 --> RTPengine


Instantiate the module with:

add-module 1

The output of the command will return the instance name. Output example:

{"module_id": "nethvoice-proxy1", "image_name": "nethvoice-proxy", "image_url": ""}


Let's assume that the nethvoice-proxy instance is named nethvoice-proxy1.

Launch configure-module, by setting the following parameters:

  • fqdn: name of Let's Encrypt certificate to use for Secure SIP connections, the phones must be configured to use this domain name as server SIP.
  • addresses: configure the IP where the proxy will receive SIP and RTP connections/streams.
    • address: IPv4 address that is expected to receive VoIP traffic, mandatory.
    • public_address: public IPV4 address that is expected to receive VoIP traffic, in case of NAT.


api-cli run module/nethvoice-proxy1/configure-module --data '{"fqdn": "", "addresses": { "address": "", "public_address": "" }}'


To uninstall the instance:

remove-module --no-preserve nethvoice-proxy1


Test the module using the script:


The tests are made using Robot Framework



Kamailio® (successor of former OpenSER and SER) is an Open Source SIP Server released under GPLv2+, able to handle thousands of call setups per second. Website: kamailio


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. Website: postgresql


The open source, in-memory data store used by millions of developers as a database, cache, streaming engine, and message broker. Website: redis


The Sipwise NGCP rtpengine is a proxy for RTP traffic and other UDP based media traffic. It's meant to be used with the Kamailio SIP proxy and forms a drop-in replacement for any of the other available RTP and media proxies. Website: RTPengine

How to run locally

  1. Compile the .env

    cp .env.template .env

    Edit the .env file and set the correct values

  2. Build the docker image and run it

    cd modules/postgres
    make build
    make run && make log
    cd modules/redis
    make build
    make run && make log
    cd modules/rtpengine
    make build
    make run && make log
    cd modules/kamailio
    make build
    make run && make log

How to run remotely (DEV or PROD Virtual Machine)

  1. Copy in the remote server the Makefile

  2. Run the init stage to creation of ENV file and needed folder (only first time)

    make init
  3. Run all the pods

    make run-all