This project is basically a generic BFF designed to keep OAuth 2.0 access token and other sensitive information such as refresh token, server side to reduce the risk of leaking.
The service exposes a simple REST API to allow clients to start an authentication flow and when authentication is done it allows for proxying requests to backend services adding OAuth 2.0 bearer token in authorization header.
Most configuration options are available in both configuration file, command line flags and environment variables. However, configuration of identity providers and upstream servers may only be done through the configuration file. The configuration file supports substitution of environment variables for the identity providers such that client secrets may be passed through environment variables.
The configuration file has the following format.
listenAddr: ':8081'
hashKey: 'bCXgBjNPIeAUDzTYKf4E2xXNZaznkyTjQT7zh/UXJcz3CsPMu3FFoxG4WqcQY3foPmKtAdexMLXJ5L3vJkn1og=='
blockKey: 'Cl/c1FWNiCDp32/FhpGgzgqUIcLdYScHa+AiLG2gWFI='
clientID: inventory
clientSecret: ${NETIC_SECRET}
issuer: http://localhost:8080/realms/test
api: http://localhost:8086
- http://localhost:3000
redirectURL: ''