When an Arista switch boots up, it will seek out DHCP information across all ports.
Set up a TFTP server and download the scripts:
apt-get install git
apt-get install tftpd-hpa
vi /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
root@ubuntu:/tftp# cat /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure --create"
sudo mkdir /tftp
sudo chown root:root /tftp
sudo systemctl restart tftpd-hpa
cd /tftp
git clone https://github.com/netnem/arista_ztp.git
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set:
PermitRootLogin yes
Make sure root password is set:
sudo passwd root
On an EdgeOS/VYOS router pointing to a TFTP server located at
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet bootfile-name 'tftp://'
This bootstrap script will enable the pyeapi Management interface, download the proper ZTP script, and then run it. The bootstrap script will error out once and then run properly.
Order of operations for ZTP script is as followed:
Spine 1 must be auto-provisioned first, then at LEAST 1 leaf must be turned up.
After that, any order is OK. At least 1 leaf must be available for spine2 to be provisioned. Everything else will be turned up as leafs
Use the following topology:
Outcome of the script is as followed:
spine-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-ds00#show bgp summary
BGP summary information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 65001.1
Neighbor AS Session State AFI/SAFI AFI/SAFI State NLRI Rcd NLRI Acc
----------------------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------
fd00::2:1 65002.1 Established L2VPN EVPN Negotiated 2 2
fd00::2:2 65002.2 Established L2VPN EVPN Negotiated 2 2
fd00::2:3 65002.3 Established L2VPN EVPN Negotiated 3 3
fd00::2:4 65002.4 Established L2VPN EVPN Negotiated 4 4
fe80::5251:cbff:fec6:8d29%Et2 65002.2 Established IPv6 Unicast Negotiated 6 6
fe80::5269:aaff:feb6:f8c2%Et4 65002.4 Established IPv6 Unicast Negotiated 4 4
fe80::5299:f3ff:fe67:c270%Et3 65002.3 Established IPv6 Unicast Negotiated 8 8
fe80::52de:d4ff:fe20:3ad9%Et1 65002.1 Established IPv6 Unicast Negotiated 6 6
spine-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-ds00#show running-config
! Command: show running-config
! device: spine-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-ds00 (vEOS-lab, EOS-4.28.0F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS-lab.swi
no aaa root
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname spine-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-ds00
ip name-server vrf default
dns domain home.mydomain.com
spanning-tree mode mstp
management api http-commands
protocol http
protocol unix-socket
no shutdown
interface Ethernet1
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet2
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet3
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet4
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet5
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet6
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet7
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet8
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Loopback0
description "router-id"
ipv6 address fd00::1:1/128
interface Management1
ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address auto-config
ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route
ip routing
ipv6 unicast-routing
peer-filter AS-FILTER
10 match as-range 1-4294967295 result accept
router bgp 65001.1
bgp asn notation asdot
bgp default ipv4-unicast transport ipv6
maximum-paths 4 ecmp 4
bgp listen range fd00::/8 peer-group EVPN peer-filter AS-FILTER
bgp listen range fe80::/10 peer-group UNDERLAY peer-filter AS-FILTER
neighbor EVPN peer group
neighbor EVPN next-hop-unchanged
neighbor EVPN update-source Loopback0
neighbor EVPN ebgp-multihop 5
neighbor EVPN password 7 qHTi18SilZAHr/5ZpEAbOg==
neighbor EVPN send-community extended
neighbor EVPN maximum-routes 12000
neighbor UNDERLAY peer group
neighbor UNDERLAY password 7 qUVY5FTrMckx90KgE8blBQ==
neighbor UNDERLAY send-community extended
redistribute connected
address-family evpn
neighbor EVPN activate
no neighbor UNDERLAY activate
address-family ipv4
no neighbor EVPN activate
no neighbor UNDERLAY activate
address-family ipv6
no neighbor EVPN activate
neighbor UNDERLAY activate
leaf-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-dl00#show bgp summary
BGP summary information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 65002.1
Neighbor AS Session State AFI/SAFI AFI/SAFI State NLRI Rcd NLRI Acc
----------------------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------
fd00::1:1 65001.1 Established L2VPN EVPN Negotiated 2 2
fd00::1:2 65001.2 Established L2VPN EVPN Negotiated 2 2
fe80::5259:faff:fe4d:b25e%Et2 65001.2 Established IPv6 Unicast Negotiated 5 5
fe80::526d:34ff:fedd:4cbf%Et1 65001.1 Established IPv6 Unicast Negotiated 5
leaf-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-dl00#show running-config
! Command: show running-config
! device: leaf-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-dl00 (vEOS-lab, EOS-4.28.0F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS-lab.swi
no aaa root
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname leaf-lab-2-usiqh-veos1-dl00
ip name-server vrf default
dns domain home.domain.com
spanning-tree mode mstp
vlan 3304
management api http-commands
protocol http
protocol unix-socket
no shutdown
interface Ethernet1
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet2
mtu 9000
no switchport
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet3
switchport access vlan 3304
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet4
switchport access vlan 3304
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet5
switchport access vlan 3304
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet6
switchport access vlan 3304
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet7
switchport access vlan 3304
ipv6 enable
interface Ethernet8
switchport access vlan 3304
ipv6 enable
interface Loopback0
description "router-id"
ipv6 address fd00::2:1/128
interface Loopback1
description "vxlan-source"
ipv6 address fd00::20:1/128
interface Management1
ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address auto-config
ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route
interface Vlan3304
ip address virtual
ipv6 address virtual 2600:1000::1/64
interface Vxlan1
vxlan source-interface Loopback1
vxlan udp-port 4789
vxlan encapsulation ipv6
vxlan vlan 3304 vni 3304
ip virtual-router mac-address 00:1c:73:00:00:99
ip routing
ipv6 unicast-routing
peer-filter AS-FILTER
10 match as-range 1-4294967295 result accept
router bgp 65002.1
bgp asn notation asdot
bgp default ipv4-unicast transport ipv6
maximum-paths 4 ecmp 4
neighbor EVPN peer group
neighbor EVPN next-hop-unchanged
neighbor EVPN update-source Loopback0
neighbor EVPN ebgp-multihop 5
neighbor EVPN password 7 qHTi18SilZAHr/5ZpEAbOg==
neighbor EVPN send-community extended
neighbor EVPN maximum-routes 12000
neighbor UNDERLAY peer group
neighbor UNDERLAY password 7 qUVY5FTrMckx90KgE8blBQ==
neighbor UNDERLAY send-community extended
neighbor fd00::1:1 peer group EVPN
neighbor fd00::1:1 remote-as 65001.1
neighbor fd00::1:2 peer group EVPN
neighbor fd00::1:2 remote-as 65001.2
redistribute connected
neighbor interface Et1 peer-group UNDERLAY remote-as 65001.1
neighbor interface Et2 peer-group UNDERLAY remote-as 65001.2
vlan-aware-bundle all-vlans
rd 1:1
route-target both 1:1
redistribute learned
vlan 1-4094
address-family evpn
neighbor EVPN activate
no neighbor UNDERLAY activate
address-family ipv4
no neighbor EVPN activate
no neighbor UNDERLAY activate
address-family ipv6
no neighbor EVPN activate
neighbor UNDERLAY activate