This repository contains the source code for the Graph Transfer Learning project developed by the Northeastern University's SPIRAL research group. This research was generously supported by the National Science Foundation (grants IIS-1741197, CCF-1750539) and Google via GCP credit support.
Please cite the following paper if you intend to use this code for your research.
A. Gritsenko, Y. Guo, K. Shayestehfard, A. Moharrer, J. Dy, S. Ioannidis, "Graph Transfer Learning", ICDM, 2021.
Please install the python dependencies found in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
To fully address the generic nature of the algorithm introduced in the original paper, we provide a fully-customizable framework with a wide variety of parameters for node embedding, model creation and training.
The following arguments can be specified to train node embeddings:
--nembedding Size of the output embedding vector
--topology_similarity Similarity measure between nodes of the same graph in
graph topological space
--embedding_type Type of embedding function: skipgram, unified
-embedding_similarity Similarity measures between nodes of the same graph in
embedding space
--nwalks Number of node2vec random walks
--walk_length Length of random walk
--window_size Width of sliding window in random walks
--p Parameter p for node2vec random walks
--q Parameter q for node2vec random walks
--nnegative Number of negative samples used in skip-gram
--scale_negative Specifies whether to scale outputs for negative
--graph_distance Pairwise distance measure between nodes in the
embedding space (matrix D)
The following arguments can be specified to create and train model:
--similarity_loss Loss function between similarities in topological and
embedding spaces for nodes of the same graph
--depth Number of hidden layers in Prediction Branch
--activation_function Activation function for Prediction Branch neurons
--prediction_loss Loss function for Prediction Branch
--transfer_mode Specifies transfer learning mode
--alpha Weight of graph matching loss
--beta Specifies whether to scale parts of P-optimization
--learning_rate Learning rate
--batch_size Number of instances in each batch
--epochs Number of epochs
--early_stopping Number of epochs with no improvement after which
training will be stopped. If <=0, no early stopping is
For a full list of arguments to run a framework, you may use --help
All datasets referenced in the original paper are presented in the folder data
. A user can run the framework on either provided datasets, or any arbitrary ones by specifying the dataset folder via --load_path
and --dataset
The framework expects the following files to be present in the specified dataset directory:
- a
file containing graph's A adjacency matrix, - a
file containing class labels for each graph A node, - a
file containing infection labels for each graph A node. Optionally, a dataset directory can containGraphATrain.txt
files containing node indices for train and test splits, respectively. If these files are not provided, graph nodes are split randomly into train and test subsets with a ratio 8:2. We provideGraphATrain.txt
files for all real-world datasets for the reproducibility purposes. Additionally, we provide original dataset files for each real-world graph.
The following real-world datasets are presented in the folder data
- Zachary Karate Club
W. W. Zachary, “An information flow model for conflict andfission in small groups”, Journal of Anthropological Research, 1977
- Email
J. Leskovecet et al., “Graph evolution: Densification andshrinking diameters”, ACM TKDD, 2007
- Infectious Disease Transmission Dataset
M. Salathé et al., “A high-resolution human contact networkfor infectious disease transmission”, PNAS, 2010
For the details on synthetic dataset construction, please refer to Section V.A of the original paper.