Release Notes
Version 4.0.0
We are thrilled to welcome Chris Rorden (@neurolabusc) and Taylor Hanayik (@hanayik) as new contributors to brainchop. Special thanks to them for their main contributions to version 4. (67396d2).
Release supervision: @sergeyplis
Merging and configuration: @Mmasoud1
New Features
Integration of the NiiVue viewer for loading and visualization. This allows drag and drop support for voxel formats including NIfTI, NRRD, MRtrix MIF, AFNI HEAD/BRIK, MGH/MGZ, ITK MHD, ECAT7 as well as limited DICOM support.
Allows models to be run either on the main thread (as before) or a web worker
Allows classifications to be edited by drawing to append or erase voxels.
Allows entires scenes (images, classification results, contrast, crosshair position, drawings) to be saved as NiiVue documents that can be opened anywhere.
- Refactoring for improved performance
- Optimized pre and post-processing steps
- Removes the Python dependencies (pyodide) for the conform function, and replaces this function with native JavaScript.
- Reduces static memory usage.
- Dramatically reduces peak heap memory usage (for low memory 104 region model the reduction is x173).