A tool for neuroscience researchers.
- Display EEG data in realtime
- Visualize whether we are getting 'good' data
- Store data for later, with different 'tags' related
- Clone the repo locally
Note: This folder (BrainTag/brain-tag) is for the core application.
In a new terminal, get 'BrainTag' running:
cd brain-tag
npm install
npm run electron-dev
Note: This folder (BrainTag/FileServer) is for storing our 'recorded' data.
In a new terminal, get the 'FileServer' running:
cd FileServer
npm install
npm run start
Note: This folder (BrainTag/DummyServer) is for streaming fake data to the application.
In a new terminal, get the 'DummyServer' running:
cd DummyServer
npm install
npm run start
- Refer to ClickUp for your next task
- Assign the task to yourself
- Update its status to say 'I'm on it'
- Create a new branch for the task you are working on (based off of development branch).
git checkout -b new-feature
- Implement the task
- Add/Commit the code with a descriptive message
- Push to the remote feature branch on GitHub
git push origin -u new-feature
- Get your work reviewed:
- If the task is completed, make a pull request into the development branch on GitHub
- Next, update ClickUp with the task's new status: 'Review'
- Finally, let the team know it needs to be reviewed
- Get your work merged:
- Once it has been approved, click 'Merge' on the pull request
- Next, delete your branch on GitHub (the remote repository)
- Finally, update ClickUp with the task's new status: 'Closed'