To Install Nexss Programmer please go to Nexss Programmer CLI for more information.
nexss file add myprogram.ps1
nexss myprogram.ps1 # execute script
nexss myprogram.js # execute NodeJS
nexss # execute Python.. etcetc..
To use multiple powershell versions you can add at the top of the file # nexss-compiler tag eg.
# nexss-compiler:Powershell
Write-Host "My current Powershell version: "$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
It depends what you have installed on your machine it will use it. Remove # nexss-compiler:Powershell as pwsh.exe is default compiler.
iex "& { $(irm } -UseMSI -Preview"
& Operator
Table of Basic PowerShell Commands
(Get-Location).path #current working directory (location of command run)
echo $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # script file path
echo $PSScriptRoot # script root
$filebase = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $testFilename
$PSScriptRoot #
$dockerResult.psobject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$NexssStdout | Add-Member -MemberType $_.MemberType -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Force