Note: IF you wish to render in EEVEE you must render it with display/OpenGL
You can render results in Blender directly from nexss PROGRAMMER.
- Enable Python Tooltips -> Edit -> Preferences -> Interface -> [Display] Python Tooltip
- Info Panel shows history of commands executed
- CTRL + T - shows properties
- ALT + P run Script on active text-editor
nexss .\ --nxsCompiler="blender --background"
- width
- height
- objectName - Name of object in the scene to modify
- renderData - String which contains data to render, otherwise it contains datetime stamp.
- renderFilename
- colorMode [‘BW’, ‘RGB’, ‘RGBA’]
- compression (0-100)
more here: Blender image format settings
- Create new scene and save it as eg. myfile.blend
- Create eg. Text Object and rename it to NEXSSEDIT or you need to pass parameter of objectName.
To run your python script in blender make compiler option with scene file: blender eg
- name: src/
compiler: blender yourBlenderScene.blend --background
nore here:
# This will copy package to your current folder.
# You can use it like: nexss Blender (the same as global package)
# Now you can adjust the copied code to your needs.
nexss pkg add Blender --copyPackage --saveNexss --forceNexss
Languages/Technologies used for this Nexss PROGRAMMER package:
- NodeJS
- Python
- Blender
Open info panel
to display operations by doing changes in the blender. You can paste them to the script.
Execute script
# nexss
# NORE: Blender render does not allow for custom arguments (-- but for now it is not implemented in nexss PROGRAMMER), you need to pass it through pipe eg. or in _nexss.yml in data section.
echo {"ObjectName": "NexssEdit"} | nexss Blender
# In Blender
blender --background --python
blender myscene.blend --background --python
import bpy
import os
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, "")
exec(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'))
Loading Script as module
import myscript
import importlib
Adding search path
import sys
import os
import bpy
blend_dir = os.path.dirname(
if blend_dir not in sys.path:
import myscript
import importlib
Blender Nation - Blender Scripts
HDRI Heaven
Supercharge Blender 2.8
Blender Hot Keys References
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + C -> Cursor
Shift + S - SNAP - cursor to selection etc
Bevel Edge - CTRL + B, OR use vertex group - + and Assign, then add modifier
Bevel Vertex - CTRL + SHIFT + B
M - Move to collection
NUM+, NUM- - shows/shrink collections menu
SHIFT + SPACE special menu for each functionality . - , -
U - for unwraping (while face selected/edit mode) - make island margin 0.3!
TAB - Edit mode
CTRL + TAB - Vertext mode, Sculpt mode, Texture pain, Vertex Paint
CTRL + H - Hook Object Options
1,2,3 - Vertices, Edge and Face mode while editing
/ - show only selected object
K - Knife tool
Q - quick favourites
T - Toolbar
N - Properties
` - change view menu (camera, top,left,right...)
Z - change view menu
SHIFT + D - duplicate
ALT + D - duplicate linked.
SHIFT + Z - Wireframe mode
ALT + Z _ XRAY mode
SHIFT + R - Repeat last action
CTRL + R - edge loop
ALT + R - Reset rotation
SHIFT + SPACE - Play animation
CTRL + SPACE - Full screen of current
CTRL + ALT + NUM0 - snam the view to the camera.(also select border and g for moving)
ALT + A - scale faces ??? (on skin modifier)
CTRL + M+X+X - flip camera
Adds new shortcuts in the node view
- CTRL + T - adds texture mapping nodes
- CTRL + X - remove node and keep connections
- CTRL + SHIFT + CLICK - preview node
right click on edit -> loop tools
For animation graph - simplyfy curves / smoother anim