released this
09 May 00:02
Store and Proxy classes for memory efficiency
MMTF, DXBIN, DCD files format parsers
'unitcell' representation
stage.makeImage (returns Promise)
take NCS operations into account when creating unitcell & supercell assemblies
added multi sample antialias rendering
added support for spinning around an axis
use bitsets for storing selections of atoms
Assembly and AssemblyPart classes
stage.toggleFullscreen method
read occupancy data when available (mmCIF, pdb, mmtf)
occupancy color scheme
alternate location support in selections, e.g. %B
read insertion codes when available (mmCIF, pdb, mmtf)
insertion code support in selections, e.g. ^A
numeric residue name support in selections, e.g. [032]
Queue class to handle async tasks
fixed transformation matrix in mrc/ccp4 parser
optimized near clipping
Fiber class remanamed to Polymer
more consistent fog
use workers more sparsely due to the large overhead of creating them
create font SDF on demand, remove asset dependency
integrated three.js lighting into custom shaders
MIGRATION: chainname read from auth_asym_id
instead of from label_asym_id
DOC: clarified apache configuration for deployment
FIX: cif parser, ignore non-displayable bonds between symmetry mates
FIX: cif parser, struct_conn bonds not added for multiple altloc atoms
LIB: updated signals.js
LIB: updated promise.js
LIB: updated three.js
LIB: updated pako.js to pako_inflate.js (no deflation support needed)
CODE: support loading of Blob objects in addition to File objects
CODE: tweaked DistanceRepresentation visibility params
zip, lzma, bzip2 decompression
removed async.js
mdsrv related code and documentation
stage.exportImage (makes image and triggers download), use stage.makeImage
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