Kodi plugin/addon for Day Dee Eurodance Radio
daydeeeurodance.blogspot com
This is Kodi addon/plugin for Day Dee Eurodance Radio created 2019 by Ngrock90 from C.O.D Lab.
Before downloading Day Dee Eurodance Radio Kodi addon or plugin you first need to download Kodi mobile app or desktop program.
Here is links for downloading Kodi:
Windows: http://kodi.tv/download/849
Linux: https://kodi.tv/download/850
MacOS: https://kodi.tv/download/851
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.xbmc.kodi
Apple iOS: https://kodi.tv/download/854
Rasberry Pi: https://kodi.tv/download/853
After Kodi download is finished for your device,open Kodi and follow next instructions:
click to Settings icon>>>Add-ons>>>Install from zip file>>>External storage>>>Download>>>Than search file you have downloaded from our sources and click on it>>>After addon is installed you will see confirmation message in Kodi.Now go back to Home screen and click Add-ons>>>Music add-ons>>>and click on Day Dee Eurodance Radio,if you hear the music addon works properly.
This Addon/Plugin works on all Kodi devices.
Tested on Kodi v18.4 - Leia
For more see this guide: