ALL OF EDUCATION, FOR ALL. In collaboration with the Intelligence Foundation Charity, Montreal.AI is developing a teacher, Saraswati AI, and an agent learning to orchestrate synergies, Polymatheia AI, to inspire, support and train the people who will shape the 21st Century.
"(…) in full and equal opportunities for education for all (…)" - Preamble to UNESCO’s Constitution
Solving UNESCO’s Educational Objectives to Support the Achievement of Education for All.
Implementation of artificial intelligence learning tools that significantly improve access and quality of education for disadvantaged and marginalized populations. Beneficiaries: 100 million people.
This humanitarian AI project will be developed by the people, for the people. The Intelligence Foundation is preparing to offer academic training & conferences, prizes & recognitions and open research & publications. Technology: Apprentissage actif (Curriculum Learning + OpenAI Gym + Meta-Learning + Neuroevolution + Reinforcement Learning) + Transformers (Self-Attention) + Symbolic AI (MCTS)
The Intelligence Foundation is looking for corporate sponsorship, foundation grants, major gifts to support Saraswati AI. The Intelligence Foundation issues receipts for charitable donations under the number 85593 8502 RR0001.
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