A simple bot that can connect to twitch irc and read in commands and perform virtual keypresses.
You can look in the TwitchTest project Main to see how to use it, but here is an overview.
- Create a bot
TwitchCommanderBot bot = new TwitchCommanderBot("[TwitchUserNameHere]");
- Add a command to the bot
bot.AddCommand("a", KeyEvent.VK_Z);
- Create the command task (This will use the TwitchCommanderBots GetNextCommand in it's run method)
CommandTask cmdTask = new CommandTask(bot);
- Connect the bot
try { bot.connect("", 6667, "[oauth:here]"); } catch (IOException | IrcException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
- Create the timer for the command task and schedule it
Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(cmdTask, 900, 900);
- Make the bot join the channel