Provides a c++ code to do a fast MCMC search with 4 params quickly. Performs trilinear interpolation saves the chains and check for convergence. However, user has to provide the grid and grid of models as files, which is a 1D line of sight power spectrum.
double Likeli (double X[])
double num=0, temp=0,temp2=0;
double proposed_model[DATA_BIN],S[DATA_BIN][DATA_BIN];
char filename[300];
int i,j;
//Assuming all points are independent measurements
{//if yerr is small can cause possible very large negative values which gives zeros as exp(num)
temp2 += pow( (data[i]-pow(10,proposed_model[i])) / yerr[i],2) - log(yerr[i]) - 0.91894;
//Assuming they are correlated using inverse of covariance matrix
// for(i=0;i<DATA_BIN;i++)
// {
// temp = 0;
// for(j=0;j<DATA_BIN;j++)
// {
// temp += cov[i][j] * (data[j]-pow(10,proposed_model[j]));
// }
// temp2 += (data[i]-pow(10,proposed_model[i])) * temp;
// }
temp2 *= -0.5;
return (temp2);
//Posterior function Posterior = Likelihood x Prior
double Posterior (double X[PARAMS])
if( Prior(X) != -INFINITY )
return Likeli(X)+Prior(X);
return -INFINITY;
//Prior constant probability function
double Prior (double X[PARAMS])
double taueff_z5 = 1.5275579;
//45% of the value at z=4.915 from becker sigma for taueff
double sigma_taueff = 0.04*taueff_z5;
double taueff_prior;
//Gamma prior condition
if(X[0]<= ghigh && X[0] >= glow)
//Specific internal energy prior condition
if(X[1]<= uhigh && X[1] >= ulow)
//logTo prior condition
if(X[2]<= thigh && X[2] >= tlow)
//Taueff prior gaussian distribution around values from becker 2010
//taueff_prior = pow( (X[3]-taueff_z5) / sigma_taueff,2 ) - log(sigma_taueff) - 0.91894;
//return -0.5*taueff_prior;
//if(X[3]<= tauhigh && X[3] >= taulow)
//Taueff prior gaussian distribution around values from becker 2010
taueff_prior = pow( (X[3]-taueff_z5) / sigma_taueff,2 ) - log(sigma_taueff) - 0.91894;
return -0.5*taueff_prior;
//return 0;
//return -INFINITY;
return -INFINITY;
return -INFINITY;
return -INFINITY;
void MCMC (double start[PARAMS], double var[PARAMS], double gammao[N], double uo[N],
double logto[N], double tau[N], double likeli[N], double proposed_model_chain_write[N][DATA_BIN])
int accept=0,trial=0, i,ii;
double Xt[PARAMS],Y[PARAMS], accept_par[PARAMS];
double U,lX,lY;
accept = 0;
trial = 0;
//Starting paramters (gammao,uo,to)
accept_par[0] = start[0];
accept_par[1] = start[1];
accept_par[2] = start[2];
accept_par[3] = start[3];
//Random variables
Xt[0] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[0],var[0]);
Xt[1] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[1],var[1]);
Xt[2] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[2],var[2]);
Xt[3] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[3],var[3]);
printf("\nRuning MCMC from (%f,%f,%f,%f):\n",start[0],start[1],start[2],start[3]);
Y[0] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[0],var[0]);
Y[1] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[1],var[1]);
Y[2] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[2],var[2]);
Y[3] = BMVariate(drand48(),drand48(),accept_par[3],var[3]);
lY = Posterior(Y);
if( log(drand48()) <= (lY-lX) )
//if( ( 1.4 < Y[0] && Y[0] < 1.5) && ( 1.44 < Y[3] && Y[3] < 1.58) )
//printf("\n%f %f %f %f ::%f ",Y[0],Y[1],Y[2],Y[3],lY);
accept_par[0] = Y[0];
accept_par[1] = Y[1];
accept_par[2] = Y[2];
accept_par[3] = Y[3];
gammao[accept] = Y[0];
uo [accept] = Y[1];
logto [accept] = Y[2];
tau [accept] = Y[3];
likeli[accept] = lX;
for (ii=0;ii<DATA_BIN;ii++)
printf("\rAR %f Completed %0.1f",(100*(double)accept/(double)trial),(double)accept/N*100.0);
printf("\nTrials = %d\n",N);
printf("Acceptence Ratio = %0.3f%\n",(float)100.0*accept/trial);
int Search (const double array[], const int size, double search)
int i=0;
for (i=1;i<size;i++)
if(search >= array[i])
return i;
//Linear interpolation in 1D
double LinearInterp(double x1, double x2, double f1, double f2, double p)
double value;
value = ( (p-x1)*(f2-f1)/(x2-x1) ) + f1;
//printf("(%f %f %f) (%f %f) (%f)\n",x1,x2,p,f1,f2, value);
return value;
void Trilinear(double X[], double proposed_model[])
int i;
int index[PARAMS];
double a[8],b[4],c[2],d;
double w;
index[0] = Search(Gammao,GRID_POINTS_GAMMA ,X[0]);
index[1] = Search(UoExt ,GRID_POINTS_HM_EXT,X[1]);
index[2] = Search(LogTo ,GRID_POINTS_TEMP ,X[2]);
index[3] = Search(Tau ,GRID_POINTS_TAU ,X[3]);
a[0]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1]-1][index[2]-1][index[3]-1][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1]-1][index[2]-1][index[3]-1][i], X[0] );
a[1]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1] ][index[2]-1][index[3]-1][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1] ][index[2]-1][index[3]-1][i], X[0] );
a[2]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1]-1][index[2] ][index[3]-1][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1]-1][index[2] ][index[3]-1][i], X[0] );
a[3]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1] ][index[2] ][index[3]-1][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1] ][index[2] ][index[3]-1][i], X[0] );
a[4]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1]-1][index[2]-1][index[3] ][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1]-1][index[2]-1][index[3] ][i], X[0] );
a[5]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1] ][index[2]-1][index[3] ][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1] ][index[2]-1][index[3] ][i], X[0] );
a[6]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1]-1][index[2] ][index[3] ][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1]-1][index[2] ][index[3] ][i], X[0] );
a[7]=LinearInterp(Gammao[index[0]-1],Gammao[index[0]],modelext[index[0]-1][index[1] ][index[2] ][index[3] ][i], modelext[index[0]][index[1] ][index[2] ][index[3] ][i], X[0] );
b[0]=LinearInterp(UoExt[index[1]-1], UoExt[index[1]], a[0], a[1], X[1] );
b[1]=LinearInterp(UoExt[index[1]-1], UoExt[index[1]], a[2], a[3], X[1] );
b[2]=LinearInterp(UoExt[index[1]-1], UoExt[index[1]], a[4], a[5], X[1] );
b[3]=LinearInterp(UoExt[index[1]-1], UoExt[index[1]], a[6], a[7], X[1] );
c[0]=LinearInterp(LogTo[index[2]-1], LogTo[index[2]], b[0], b[1], X[2] );
c[1]=LinearInterp(LogTo[index[2]-1], LogTo[index[2]], b[2], b[3], X[2] );
d=LinearInterp( Tau[index[3]-1], Tau[index[3]], c[0], c[1], X[3] );
proposed_model[i] = d;
proposed_model_write[i] = d;
void GRConv (double chains[][N], int no_of_chains)
int i,j;
double temp[DIS_N];
double avg_mean_chains;
double chain2chain_var;
double avg_var_chains;
double R, over_sigma2, V;
double *mean_chains = new double[no_of_chains];
double *var_chains = new double[no_of_chains];
for(i=0; i<no_of_chains; i++)
for(j=0; j<DIS_N; j++)
{temp[j] = chains[i][j+(N-DIS_N-1)];}
//mean of each chain
printf("mean = %f\tvariance = %f\n",mean_chains[i],var_chains[i]);
avg_var_chains =Mean(var_chains,no_of_chains);
chain2chain_var= Variance(mean_chains,no_of_chains);
V = (1 - 1/(double)(DIS_N)) * avg_var_chains + (1+1/(double)no_of_chains)*chain2chain_var;
R = V/avg_var_chains;
printf("W = %g\n",avg_var_chains);
printf("V = %g\n",V);
printf("R = %g\n",R);
author = {{Nasir}, Fahad and {Bolton}, James S. and {Becker}, George D.},
title = "{Inferring the IGM thermal history during reionization with the Lyman {\ensuremath{\alpha}} forest power spectrum at redshift z ≃ 5}",
journal = {\mnras},
keywords = {methods: numerical, intergalactic medium, quasars: absorption lines, dark ages, reionization, first stars, Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics},
year = 2016,
month = dec,
volume = {463},
number = {3},
pages = {2335-2347},
doi = {10.1093/mnras/stw2147},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1605.04155},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.CO},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}