- Features
- Prerequisites
- Installation of Python script
- External Files
- Running the Script
- Additional Information
- AstroBin's Acquisition CSV File Format
- Example
file - filter.csv file
- Finding the AstroBin Numeric ID for Filters
- Creating the filters.csv File
- sites.csv file
- Accessing sky quality data and secret.csv
- FWHM values
- default.csv file
- Night Time Imaging N' Astronomy [N.I.N.A]
- Pixinsight XISF headers
- Contributing to AstroImageUpload.py Processing Script
- Contact
- Licence
This Python script is designed to create an acquisition.csv file suitable for upload to AstroBin's import CSV dialogue.
The acquisition.csv file is obtained by extracting FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) or XISF (Extensible Image Serialization Format) headers from the image files associated with a given astronomical target.
With the correct default.csv entries, outputs from most image generation packages can be accommodated.
Key features include:
- Extraction of FITS/XISF Headers: Extracts headers for all FITS/XISF files in specified directories. Directories can have a mix of FITS and XISF files.
- Calibration Data Summarization: Summarizes calibration sessions by processing FLAT, BIAS, DARK, and FLATDARK frames.
- LIGHT Data Processing: Aggregates LIGHT frames for the identified target.
- Sky Quality Retrieval: Calculates SQM and Bortle scale classification based on the observation location coordinates.
- Auxiliary Parameter Calculation: Calculates additional parameters like Image Scale (IMSCALE), and Full-width Half Maximum (FWHM) from measured/estimated HFR values for each image.
- AstroBin Compatibility: Formats aggregated data for upload to AstroBin's import CSV file dialogue.
Before using this script, ensure you have the following installed:
- Python 3.x (see the provided link for installation instructions).
- Pandas library.
- Astropy library.
- Requests library.
Instructions on how to install Python can be found here Python Installation Instructions.
With Python installed, the required libraries can be installed from the command line by typing:
pip install pandas astropy requests
To install this script, follow these steps:
- Clone or download the repository from my GitHub repository.
- Ensure you have all the required libraries installed. If not, use:
pip install pandas astropy requests
. - Place the script in your directory of choice.
The script requires the following external CSV files for its operation:
- filter.csv: Contains mappings of filter names to their codes.
- sites.csv: Stores latitude, longitude, Bortle scale, and SQM values for known locations.
- secret.csv: Holds API keys and endpoints for external services (e.g., light pollution data).
- defaults.csv: Holds default values for missing FITS header file elements and HFR.
You can copy those from the repository and modify as required or the code will create the files at runtime if they don't exist
Run the script from the installation directory as follows:
`python3 AstroBinUpload.py directory_path1 directory_path2 ... directory_pathx`.
There can be as many directory paths as required to capture all the image files, but the minimum is one. The image files can be collected in one or more directories. If items are missing from the FITS/XISF headers they are substituted with values taken from the 'defaults.csv' file. Edit the 'defaults.csv' file so that it reflects your equipment set-up. HFR is taken from the 'defaults.csv' file and used if there is no HFR value found in the image file path. The aim of this approach is to make the code as agnostic as possible to the program that generates the image file header. The target name is taken from the root directory of the first directory, so don't process your calibration frames first!
An example program call is given below:
'python3 AstroBinUpload.py "/mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region" "/mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/30th April 2023" "/mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/20th April 2023/DARK" '
This generates the following command line output:
Reading defaults.csv
Reading filters.csv
Reading secret.csv
Reading sites.csv
Processing directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region
Processing directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/11th August 2023/FLAT
Processing directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/20th April 2023/DARK
Processing directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/20th April 2023/BIAS
Reading FITS headers...
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/OIII
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/OIII/11th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/OIII/10th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/OIII/8th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/OIII/9th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/Ha
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/Ha/6th July
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/Ha/7th July
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/Ha/5th July
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/SII
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/SII/10th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/SII/7th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/SII/7th July
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/SII/30th July
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/SII/8th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/RGB
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Sadr Region/RGB/11th August
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/11th August 2023/FLAT
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/20th April 2023/DARK
Extracting headers from directory: /mnt/HDD_8TB/Preselected/Calibration data/20th April 2023/BIAS
Images captured by N.I.N.A.
Observation session Summary:
Filter Blue: 17 frames, Exposure time: 17.0 mins 0 secs
Filter Green: 18 frames, Exposure time: 18.0 mins 0 secs
Filter Ha: 51 frames, Exposure time: 8.0 hrs 30.0 mins 0 secs
Filter OIII: 54 frames, Exposure time: 9.0 hrs 0 secs
Filter Red: 30 frames, Exposure time: 30.0 mins 0 secs
Filter SII: 51 frames, Exposure time: 8.0 hrs 30.0 mins 0 secs
Total session exposure for LIGHTs: 27.0 hrs 5.0 mins 0 secs
Filter Blue: 50 frames, Exposure time: 9 secs
Filter Green: 50 frames, Exposure time: 8 secs
Filter Ha: 50 frames, Exposure time: 24 secs
Filter Lum: 50 frames, Exposure time: 2 secs
Filter OIII: 50 frames, Exposure time: 26 secs
Filter Red: 50 frames, Exposure time: 6 secs
Filter SII: 50 frames, Exposure time: 29 secs
BIAS with GAIN 0: 100 frames, Exposure time: 0 secs
BIAS with GAIN 100: 100 frames, Exposure time: 0 secs
DARK with GAIN 0: 50 frames, Exposure time: 50.0 mins 0 secs
DARK with GAIN 100: 50 frames, Exposure time: 8.0 hrs 20.0 mins 0 secs
Retrieved Bortle 4.0 and SQM 20.52 for lat 52.25, lon -0.12 from sites.csv
Completed sky quality extraction
Processing summary exported to Sadr Region session summary.txt
AstroBin data exported to Sadr Region acquisition.csv
The exported files can be found in the local directory
The contents of the Sadr Region session summary.txt file are shown below:
Observation session Summary:
Filter Blue: 17 frames, Exposure time: 17.0 mins 0 secs
Filter Green: 18 frames, Exposure time: 18.0 mins 0 secs
Filter Ha: 51 frames, Exposure time: 8.0 hrs 30.0 mins 0 secs
Filter OIII: 54 frames, Exposure time: 9.0 hrs 0 secs
Filter Red: 30 frames, Exposure time: 30.0 mins 0 secs
Filter SII: 51 frames, Exposure time: 8.0 hrs 30.0 mins 0 secs
Total session exposure for LIGHTs: 27.0 hrs 5.0 mins 0 secs
Filter Blue: 50 frames, Exposure time: 9 secs
Filter Green: 50 frames, Exposure time: 8 secs
Filter Ha: 50 frames, Exposure time: 24 secs
Filter Lum: 50 frames, Exposure time: 2 secs
Filter OIII: 50 frames, Exposure time: 26 secs
Filter Red: 50 frames, Exposure time: 6 secs
Filter SII: 50 frames, Exposure time: 29 secs
BIAS with GAIN 0: 100 frames, Exposure time: 0 secs
BIAS with GAIN 100: 100 frames, Exposure time: 0 secs
DARK with GAIN 0: 50 frames, Exposure time: 50.0 mins 0 secs
DARK with GAIN 100: 50 frames, Exposure time: 8.0 hrs 20.0 mins 0 secs
AstroBin allows users to enter acquisition details associated with uploaded images via a CSV file. This section outlines the format for the acquisition.csv
file, which will be automatically generated from image data by this code.
Field | Description | Validation |
date | The date when the acquisition took place | YYYY-MM-DD format |
filter | Filter used | Numeric ID of a valid filter (found in the URL of the filter's page in the equipment database) |
number* | Number of frames | Whole number |
duration* | Duration of each frame in seconds | Number, Max decimals: 4, Min value: 0.0001, Max value: 999999.9999 |
iso | ISO setting on the camera | Whole number |
binning | Binning of pixels | One of [1, 2, 3, 4] |
gain | Gain setting on the camera | Number, Max decimals: 2 |
sensorCooling | The temperature of the chip in Celsius degrees, e.g., -20 | Whole number, Min value: -274, Max value: 100 |
fNumber | If a camera lens was used, specify the f-number used for this acquisition session | Number, Max decimals: 2, Min value: 0 |
darks | The number of dark frames | Whole number, Min value: 0 |
flats | The number of flat frames | Whole number, Min value: 0 |
flatDarks | The number of flat dark frames | Whole number, Min value: 0 |
bias | The number of bias/offset frames | Whole number, Min value: 0 |
bortle | Bortle dark-sky scale | Whole number, Min value: 1, Max value: 9 |
meanSqm | Mean SQM mag/arcsec^2 as measured by a Sky Quality Meter | Number, Max decimals: 2, Min value: 0 |
meanFwhm | Mean Full Width at Half Maximum in arc seconds, a measure of seeing | Number, Max decimals: 2, Min value: 0 |
temperature | Ambient temperature in Celsius degrees | Number, Max decimals: 2, Min value: -88, Max value: 58 |
The contents of Sadir region acquisition.csv generated in the above run are given below:
date | filter | number | duration | binning | gain | sensorCooling | fNumber | darks | flats | flatDarks | bias | bortle | meanSqm | meanFwhm | temperature |
2023-07-06 | 4663 | 15 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.37 | 10.24 |
2023-07-07 | 4663 | 24 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.38 | 11.51 |
2023-07-08 | 4663 | 12 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.39 | 17.47 |
2023-07-08 | 4844 | 5 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.46 | 16.82 |
2023-07-29 | 4844 | 2 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.4 | 13.4 |
2023-07-30 | 4844 | 1 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.4 | 12.8 |
2023-08-06 | 4844 | 8 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.41 | 11.41 |
2023-08-07 | 4844 | 22 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.43 | 9.53 |
2023-08-08 | 4752 | 7 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.38 | 9.56 |
2023-08-08 | 4844 | 5 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.45 | 9.86 |
2023-08-09 | 4752 | 16 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.44 | 9.55 |
2023-08-09 | 4844 | 8 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.43 | 15.78 |
2023-08-10 | 4752 | 28 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.35 | 15.51 |
2023-08-11 | 4637 | 17 | 60.0 | 1 | 0 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.37 | 16.86 |
2023-08-11 | 4643 | 18 | 60.0 | 1 | 0 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.34 | 16.77 |
2023-08-11 | 4752 | 3 | 600.0 | 1 | 100 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.32 | 17.0 |
2023-08-11 | 4649 | 30 | 60.0 | 1 | 0 | -10 | 5.4 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 4.0 | 20.52 | 2.4 | 16.94 |
In the case above the HFR value was taken from the file name. It can also be seen that a 4-digit code is presented for each filter used. This code is AstroBin's representation of the filter and is described below.
The results in the 'acquisition.csv' file can be copied and pasted into AstroBin's import CSV dialogue.
If they don't exist default configuration files are created when the program is run. Modify these files to reflect your system. You can also copy the default files from the repository or create your own.
The 'filter.csv' file defines the mapping from the filter name to AstroBin's filter code. The contents of a filters.csv
file is given below. It shows the names my Astronomik 2 inch filters, as generated by N.I.N.A, and their corresponding AstroBin codes:
Filter | Code |
Ha | 4663 |
SII | 4844 |
OIII | 4752 |
Red | 4649 |
Green | 4643 |
Blue | 4637 |
Lum | 2906 |
CLS | 4061 |
You can edit this file so that it reflects the filters you use. The filter names should match the names the image capture software generates for your filters.
The numeric ID of a filter can be found by examining the URL of the filter's page in the AstroBin equipment database.
For example, consider a 2-inch H-alpha CCD 6nm filter from Astronomik. By using AstroBin's filter explorer to navigate to this filter's page the URL is found to be :
From this URL, the AstroBin code for this Astronomik 2-inch H-alpha CCD 6nm filter is 4663.
The filters.csv
file can be created by you but will also be created by the code if it does not exist. It can be edited using a text editor. It should be located in the directory from which the Python script is executed.
The script relies on this file to ensure the correct codes are used for your filters.
The sites.csv
file contains the Bortle and SQM values for a given latitude and longitude. An example of a sites.csv
file with one entry is given below.
Latitude | Longitude | Bortle | SQM |
52.248 | -0.123 | 4 | 20.52 |
The program reads the sites.csv
data into a dataframe. As the code loops through the data it obtains the site location's latitude and longitude from the header for the image under consideration. If the location matches a location in the sites dataframe it uses the values of Bortle and SQM for those coordinates.
If there is no match it obtains the values of Bortle and SQM from an external website. The code will then add the new site information to the sites.csv file. Site data also can be entered manually into the sites.csv. If no matching site data is found in the sites.csv
and the external site cannot be accessed the Bortle and SQM values are set equal to zero.
The artificial_brightness of the sky at a given latitude and longitude is obtained from the excellent web resource https://www.lightpollutionmap.info. This can be by done by visiting the website and entering the latitude and longitude of the observation site and obtaining the parameters Bortle and SQM. These parameters can then be entered into the sites.csv file. It can also be done programmatically by the code. To do this you need to place an API_KEY and API_ENDPOINT for the service in the secret.csv file. The only API_ENDPOINT supported currently is https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/QueryRaster/. You will have to apply to Jurij Stare, the website owner, for an API key. Jurij's email address is starej@t-2.net. The approach I suggest is: donate a small amount
API Key | API Endpoint |
**************** | https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/QueryRaster/ |
The AstroBin Long Exposure Acquisition Fields has an entry for meanFwhm. This is not directly available from the header file. But N.I.N.A allows for the mean HFR value of an image to be embedded in the image file name. An example of my file naming convention, with HFR embedded, is given below:
'NGC 7822_Panel_1_Date_2023-09-02_Time_21-09-01_Filter_Ha_Exposure_600.00s_HFR_1.64px_FrameNo_0002.fits'
The code will look for the keyword HFR in the image file name. If found it will extract the HFR value and assign it to a variable hfr. As HFR is in pixels, it calculates the image scale from the telescope information held in the FITS header. In particular XPIXSZ the x pixel size in microns and FOCALLEN the telescope focal length in mm
imscale = XPIXSZ / FOCALLEN * 206.265 fwhm = hfr * imscale
The calculations above assume that all stars are circular making hfr and fwhm are equivalent. This is a reasonable approximation as the code averages hfr across all images taken on a particular date with a given filter and gain and then AstroBin further averages hfr across all entries in the uploaded CSV file. Where HFR is not available in the filename it is obtained from the defaults.csv file.
The use of a default.csv
file enables the code to run with headers produced by different capture programs. The default.csv
file contains default definitions for each header keyword that is required to be mapped to the Long Exposure Acquisition Fields. It also allows for a definition of HFR in pixels. The contents of the default.csv
file provided in the repository are shown below.
Key | Value | Description |
EXPOSURE | 100 | Exposure time in seconds |
DATE-LOC | 2023-01-01 | Observation date |
XBINNING | 1 | Camera binning |
GAIN | 0 | Camera gain |
XPIXSZ | 1 | Camera pixel size in um |
CCD-TEMP | -10 | Camera sensor temperature in degrees C |
FOCALLEN | 540 | Telescope focal length in mm |
FOCRATIO | 5.4 | Telescope focal ratio |
SITELAT | 52.25 | Observation site latitude in decimal degrees |
SITELONG | -0.12 | Observation site longitude in decimal degrees |
FILTER | No Filter | Filter name |
OBJECT | No target | Target name |
FOCTEMP | 20 | Ambient temperature in degrees C as measure by the focuser |
HFR | 1.6 | Half-flux radius in pixels |
This table contains all elements required by AstroBin, however, if your headers are not reporting the basics, for instance EXPOSURE, you cannot make good use of this code as all your images will be reported with the same EXPOSURE time to AstroBin.
All elements are included for completeness. To use this correctly inspect a header using your package of choice and enter suitable values to represent your imaging setup that are missing from your header files. For imagers that use color cameras with filters that are not reported in the header files, enter the filter code for your filter in the filters.csv
, along with the AstroBin filter code. Then enter the same name in the defaults.csv
. This will ensure that your filter code is applied to all your images when uploaded to AstroBin.
Night Time Imaging N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A)
This code was primarily developed for use with FITS/XIFS files generated by the astro-imaging package N.I.N.A, but with the use of the 'default.csv' file the code should be able to handle images generated by other packages.
A FITS header file generated by N.I.N.A is quite rich in information, an example is given below:
Keyword | Value | Description |
BITPIX | 16 | |
NAXIS | 2 | Dimensionality |
NAXIS1 | 9576 | |
NAXIS2 | 6388 | |
EXTEND | T | Extensions are permitted |
BZERO | 32768 | |
IMAGETYP | 'LIGHT' | Type of exposure |
EXPOSURE | 600.0 | [s] Exposure duration |
EXPTIME | 600.0 | [s] Exposure duration |
DATE-LOC | '2023-07-06T02:08:40.138' | Time of observation (local) |
DATE-OBS | '2023-07-06T01:08:40.138' | Time of observation (UTC) |
XBINNING | 1 | X axis binning factor |
YBINNING | 1 | Y axis binning factor |
GAIN | 100 | Sensor gain |
OFFSET | 10 | Sensor gain offset |
EGAIN | 0.246657639741898 | [e-/ADU] Electrons per A/D unit |
XPIXSZ | 3.76 | [um] Pixel X axis size |
YPIXSZ | 3.76 | [um] Pixel Y axis size |
INSTRUME | 'ZWO ASI6200MM Pro' | Imaging instrument name |
SET-TEMP | -10.0 | [degC] CCD temperature setpoint |
CCD-TEMP | -10.0 | [degC] CCD temperature |
USBLIMIT | 40 | Camera-specific USB setting |
TELESCOP | 'NP101is' | Name of telescope |
FOCALLEN | 540.0 | [mm] Focal length |
FOCRATE | 5.4 | Focal ratio |
RA | 303.913346707174 | [deg] RA of telescope |
DEC | 39.2491028344059 | [deg] Declination of telescope |
CENTALT | 77.062 | [deg] Altitude of telescope |
CENTAZ | 177.15272 | [deg] Azimuth of telescope |
AIRMASS | 1.0259339100251 | Airmass at frame center (Gueymard 1993) |
PIERSIDE | 'West' | Telescope pointing state |
SITEELEV | 56.8 | [m] Observation site elevation |
SITELAT | 52.2484722222222 | [deg] Observation site latitude |
SITELONG | -0.123111111111111 | [deg] Observation site longitude |
FWHEEL | 'Starlight Xpress Fil' | Filter Wheel name |
FILTER | 'Ha' | Active filter name |
OBJECT | 'Gamma Cygni Nebula' | Name of the object of interest |
OBJCTRA | '20 15 39' | [H M S] RA of imaged object |
OBJCTDEC | '+39 14 56' | [D M S] Declination of imaged object |
OBJCTROT | 180.06 | [deg] planned rotation of imaged object |
FOCNAME | 'FocusLynx Focuser 1' | Focusing equipment name |
FOCPOS | 13123 | [step] Focuser position |
FOCUSPOS | 13123 | [step] Focuser position |
FOCUSSZ | 1.31 | [um] Focuser step size |
FOCTEMP | 9.4 | [degC] Focuser temperature |
FOCUSTEM | 9.4 | [degC] Focuser temperature |
CLOUDCVR | 16.0 | [percent] Cloud cover |
DEWPOINT | 8.61426437858062 | [degC] Dew point |
HUMIDITY | 85.0 | [percent] Relative humidity |
PRESSURE | 1015.0 | [hPa] Air pressure |
AMBTEMP | 10.99 | [degC] Ambient air temperature |
WINDDIR | 240.0 | [deg] Wind direction: 0=N, 180=S, 90=E, 270=W |
WINDSPD | 12.456 | [kph] Wind speed |
ROWORDER | 'TOP-DOWN' | FITS Image Orientation |
EQUINOX | 2000.0 | Equinox of celestial coordinate system |
SWCREATE | 'N.I.N.A.' | Software that created this file |
Pixinsight XISF headers
FIT file headers are accessed in the code using Astropy's FITS header library. To access XISF headers functions were developed based upon the Pixinsight XISF header specification.
This script is intended for educational purposes in the field of astrophotography. It is part of an open-source project and contributions or suggestions for improvements are welcome.
To contribute to this project, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
. - Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m '<commit_message>'
. - Push to the original branch:
git push origin <project_name>/<location>
. - Create the pull request.
Alternatively, see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
If you want to contact me, you can reach me at sgreaves139@gmail.com.
This project uses the following licence: GNU General Public Licence v3.0.