Robot Framework library for testing SIP Phones
To run this library you must currently have a Polycom phone running firmware that supports the Microbrowser that Polycom provides.
In order for your Polycom phones to support this test you must add the following settings to one of the phones cfg files.
- apps.push.messageType=5
- apps.push.username=bob
- apps.push.password=1234
- apps.statePolling.password="admin"
- apps.statePolling.username="admin"
- apps.statePolling.responseMode="0"
- tone.dtmf.rfc2833Control="0" (This is if you want support for audio detection)
Below is a better example of this
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<apps apps.statePolling.password="admin" apps.statePolling.username="admin" apps.statePolling.responseMode="0" apps.push.messageType="5" apps.push.username="admin" apps.push.password="admin" apps.push.serverRootURL=""/>
Polycom Documentation is available here
This library has been added to the PyPi package system. Installation is as simple as entering the command below
pip install sipphone-automation
Available here