A Python script to alert you of awesome aircraft in your area! Uses the adsbexchange API to pull aircraft data.
You'll need access to the ADS-B Exchange API. This is normally available for US$10 per month, but I've heard if you are feeding ADS-B data to ADS-B Exchange, this fee is waived. (I don't have any further info on this at the moment.)
You'll need to add your ADS-B Exchange RapidAPI key to secrets-adsbx.json.
If you want to use the Twilio SMS library to send alerts, you'll need to install the Twilio Python Helper Library...
pip3 install twilio
Your Twilio SID and token will need to be added to secrets-twilio.json, as well as your from and to numbers.
planespotter.py is the main script, which runs continuously...
python3 planespotter.py
The bulk of the configuration is done in planespotter-conf.yaml. A sample configuration file is included.