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This file will help to explain how to best update the Lunar Sooners Website. Unless you are very experienced with HTML and Javascript, please do not change the code files or mess with the format of the properties/config files.
The only files you will have to update are:
Website.properties --- The main file to update. This should be updated for every start party. You have to follow the format #example PlanObs=Orion Nebula,... where the image is Orion_Nebula.jpg and the wiki entry is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_Nebula
Catalogue.config --- The current list of possible sources to observe, update this file when you add more objects. The name of the source must be the same as on Wikipedia.
starpartyhosts.config --- This list all the past star party hosts, add to it as needed at end of semester
currentschedule.properties --- This file is for making the schedule for the upcoming semester, You have to follow the formatting otherwise it wont appear properly
equipment.config --- Inventory of all the equipemtn
The rest of the files are as follows:
Welcome.html --- the main code for the front page of the website
Hosts.html --- split up this file so it isn't loaded at one time
photos.html --- split up this file so it isn't loaded at one time
equipment.html --- split up this file so it isn't loaded at one time
css/ --- contains the CSS for all the pages
img/ --- contains all images for the pages
fonts/ --- mostly font awesome fonts for the pages
js/ --- the javascript for the website
PropertiesBackup --- a backup of the properties and config just incase