Telegram Bot to perform daily standup meetings for each group (or team), the bot is added to.
For now the bot implements a single command /standup
, which prompts the user with the 3 standup meeting questions
- What did you do yesterday?
- What will you do today?
- Do you have any obstacles for your progress?
For now all bot messages are in Spanish, although internationalization is planned.
The bot is implemented in Node.js and it uses the telegraf.js bot framework, and yarn to manage dependencies. You can install yarn using
npm install -g yarn
Clone the repo with:
git clone
Install dependencies
cd bot
Run tests (optional)
yarn test
To run, you need an API token (you can request one contacting the @BotFather).
export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<your API token>
yarn start
Assuming you have already installed Docker, you can obtain the latest docker image of the bot with
docker pull niclabs/bot
For running the bot in the foreground use the command
docker run --rm -ti -e TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<your API token> niclabs/bot
Or as a daemon
docker run -d -e TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<your API token> niclabs/bot