Simple NodeJS application that uses the SIGFOX API to display recent messages from a given device.
It displays (italic : data available only to Sigfox admins):
- Message time
- Message sequence number
- Raw payload
- List of stations having received this message, with the matching RSSI & coordinates
- Map of the BTS that received the message
- Install NodeJS
- Run
$ npm install
You need to provide your SIGFOX API credentials for this to work.
You can do this two different ways :
Use with caution
First, create a config.local.js
Then, put your credentials using this syntax :
module.exports = {
DEBUG: 'message-localisation:*',
SIGFOX_USERNAME: 'username',
You need to manually set up these two env vars :
$ npm start
Then open in your browser http://localhost:34004