Django with Tailwind To Do Web Application.
A To Do web application is a computer program that uses online technology, including browsers, to help users manage their tasks. It allows users to create, read, update, and delete data, also known as CRUD operations. Users can add tasks, manage them, and mark them as completed.
- node.js - 20.10.0
- npm.js - 10.2.3
- autoprefixer - 10.4.16
- babel/core - 7.23.7
- babel/preset-env - 7.23.7
- cssnano - 6.0.3
- gulp - 4.0.2
- gulp-babel - 8.0.0
- gulp-concat - 2.6.1
- gulp-postcss - 9.0.1
- gulp-rename - 2.0.0
- gulp-terser - 2.1.0
- postcss - 8.4.33
- postcss-import - 16.0.0
- prettier 3.1.1
- prettier-plugin-tailwindcss 0.5.11
- tailwindcss - 3.4.1
To Do Django Tailwind can be installed via docker & npm. To start, clone the repository to your local computer and change into the proper directory, then use the commands to build the docker image and install the required dependencies.
- Clone Repository
git clone
- Change Directory
cd todo-django-tailwind
- Build Docker Image
docker build .
- Compose Docker Image
docker compose up
- Migrate Database
docker compose exec web python migrate
- Create Superuser
docker compose exec web python createsuperuser
- Install Dependencies
npm install
Use the following commands for your desired outcome:
- Starting a Docker development server.
docker compose up
- Ending a Docker development server.
docker compose down
- Starting a Gulp development server.
- Ending a Gulp development server.
- Building Frontend for production.
gulp build