First, you need to generate project in Projucer:
And now you have a generated code like this:
For example, i used XCode project. And now you need to get frameworks and defines from project
For using a JUCE code in Qt project you need to add all sources, defines and set path to JUCE modules in project:
# Path to JUCE modules
INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/JUCE/modules
# Juce defines
JucePlugin_Build_VST=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_VST3=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_AU=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_AUv3=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_RTAS=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_AAX=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_Standalone=0 \
JucePlugin_Build_Unity=0 \
For Android you can find defines in CMakeLists.txt
For OS X:
# Add framework for JUCE
LIBS += -framework Foundation
LIBS += -framework UIKit
LIBS += -framework AudioToolBox
LIBS += -framework CoreAudio
LIBS += -framework CoreAudioKit
LIBS += -framework CoreMIDI
LIBS += -framework Accelerate
LIBS += -framework Carbon
LIBS += -framework Cocoa
LIBS += -framework IOKit
(for other system you need to add special for OS libs)
- Inherrit from
- Call:
juce::JUCEApplicationBase* juce_CreateApplication();
juce::JUCEApplicationBase* juce_CreateApplication() { return new YourJuceApplicationClass();
- Initialise JUCE GUI (order is required):
// Need for MessageManager
// for isStandalone() == true
juce::JUCEApplicationBase::createInstance = &juce_CreateApplication;