A real time chatroom
to run ->
npm run dev
localhost at port 3000
Next.JS -> Framework used with React
Clerk -> User authentication
Shadcn UI -> Component library, can install only the components we need not entire library
Our Shadcn components/ui are present in the components directory, so if we want we can edit them unlike other component libraries
In libs/util, Shadcn has gives us a util called cn in div for styling
<Button className={cn("bg-indigo-500", true&&"bg-red-500")}>
This is ShadcnUI button
Supabase used as database host (Postgresql), mainly because it has a free tier :)
Prism used to define schema to be used in the application
Use layout.tsx to change metadata info for your site
page.tsx in root app folder is the default page that opens on localhost
Routing in Next.js -> create folder "folderName: in app folder
Now make a "page.tsx" file in that folder
Now route visible at localhost:3000/folderName
Thus NextJS has very simple routing
To hide a page from this, name it "(folderName)" instead of "folderName" in app folder, but you can use its child folder if it does not have "()", very useful for organizing pages and their helper functions
layout.tsx can also be overridden if in same folder as "()" for its sibling pages
main default page.tsx is inside (main) folder, but since its just organizational it is picked up as default path by next js
[[...folder-Name]] used for Clerk to work for routing in NextJS
So in general -> app/(main)/(routes)/servers/[serverId]/channels/[channelId]/page.tsx
this points to the layout of the page at url -> localhost:3000//servers/[serverId]/channels/[channelId]
Here the 2nd class took priority
"use client"
both react and client components are server side rendering but this client is also rendered on the client -> can cause hydration errors. One state rendered on server, another state rendered on client
TailwindCSS -> Use classname in UIs to apply pre-defined styles Typescript is used
UploadThing -> Big data server, for file uploads, upto 2GB overall
Axios -> Axios is a promise-based HTTP library that lets developers make requests to either their own or a third-party server to fetch data -> Used for CRUD operations
Zustand -> Global state management
SocketIO -> Used for real-time messages, "Bidirectional and low-latency communication for every platform"
LiveKit -> For video and audio channels
App is deployed to Railways as we cant use Vercel because of web sockets
Commands after modifying prisma schema file, push data to db
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
use npx prisma studio
for debugging prisma
To put in the .env file
DATABASE_URL (for Prisma)
UPLOADTHING_SECRET (for uploadThing)
NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL = Put your deployed url here if you are deploying it,
else it defaults to localhost, so no need to add
these are for livekit, used for video/audio channels
Get this after deploying to railways
For database, use prism init and provide the value to DATABASE_URL in .env file, this project uses Supabase
Main file -> Page.tsx