Events Go is an events registration app built with Ruby on Rails 6. It allows users to see which tech events are available and add their own tech events to the database. Users can see who's going to events and can sign up themselves.
This app features authentication without using Devise.
This app is meant to show Rails CRUD flexibility without using scaffolding.
Demo deployed on a VPS using Dokku
(Deployed to Heroku, please wait 10 seconds to load).
Events Hub is a 2.0 version of the original Events 1.0 app. It's a meetup or eventbrite clone. It allows you to find events, sign up for them and rate them. This version includes authentication and is developed in Ruby on Rails.
Video of Events App (60 seconds):
(Insert YouTube Video)
| HTML | CSS | Ruby | Rails 5 | Bootstrap 4 | Sass | Authentication |
Clone Flix App Repository
git clone
Clone Events Hub App Repository
git clone
Change terminal directory to flix-rails-app
cd events-go-rails-v1
Change terminal directory to events_hub
cd events_hub
Bundle install required Ruby gems but without production gems.
bundle install --without production
Run Rails migration to create database tables from schema.
rails db:migrate
Run seeds.db to populate database
rails db:seed
Run rails server
rails server
Open the internet browser and navigate to URL below.
You’ll see the index page.