# Ansible role bind
E' un playbook per installare configurare un Server DNS con BIND ISC per più domini Debian/Ubuntu (prossimamente anche per RedHat/CentOS). NEllo specifico il playbook è diviso in 3 ruoli, uno di base COMMON ed uno per BIND.
- Common configura principalmente:
- porta ssh
- utenti e chiavi ssh
- banner
- configura il profile per gli alias, colori nel terminale
- iptables: blocco INPUT con accesso SSH, OLSRd2, OpenVPN e DNS
- fail2ban: regole per SSH, OpenVPN e DNS
- OpenVPN: installazione e configurazione della VPN Basilicata (attuale openwisp2 ninux di testing)
- OLSRd2: installazione e configurazione di olsrd2 per accesso alla rete VPNBAS
- installa BIND
- configurazione dei file principali
- master server
- slave server
- imposta i file di zona Abbiamo il supporto per più zone e per IPv6.
- configurazione dei file principali
Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ansible/ansible/ubuntu trusty main
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ansible
Installa i ruoli necessari con il comando:
ansible-galaxy install -f -r requirements.yml
Variables are not required, unless specified.
Variable | Default | Comments (type) |
bind_acls |
[] |
A list of ACL definitions, which are dicts with fields name and match_list . See below for an example. |
bind_dns_keys |
[] |
A list of binding keys, which are dicts with fields name algorithm and secret . See below for an example. |
bind_allow_query |
['localhost'] |
A list of hosts that are allowed to query this DNS server. Set to ['any'] to allow all hosts |
bind_allow_recursion |
['any'] |
Similar to bind_allow_query, this option applies to recursive queries. |
bind_check_names |
[] |
Check host names for compliance with RFC 952 and RFC 1123 and take the defined actioni (e.g. warn , ignore , fail ). |
bind_dnssec_enable |
true |
Is DNSSEC enabled |
bind_dnssec_validation |
true |
Is DNSSEC validation enabled |
bind_extra_include_files |
[] |
bind_forward_only |
false |
If true , BIND is set up as a caching name server |
bind_forwarders |
[] |
A list of name servers to forward DNS requests to. |
bind_listen_ipv4 |
[''] |
A list of the IPv4 address of the network interface(s) to listen on. Set to ['any'] to listen on all interfaces. |
bind_listen_ipv6 |
['::1'] |
A list of the IPv6 address of the network interface(s) to listen on |
bind_log |
data/named.run |
Path to the log file |
bind_query_log |
- | When defined (e.g. data/query.log ), this will turn on the query log |
bind_recursion |
false |
Determines whether requests for which the DNS server is not authoritative should be forwarded†. |
bind_rrset_order |
random |
Defines order for DNS round robin (either random or cyclic ) |
bind_zone_dir |
- | When defined, sets a custom absolute path to the server directory (for zone files, etc.) instead of the default. |
bind_zone_domains |
n/a | A list of domains to configure, with a seperate dict for each domain, with relevant details |
- allow_update |
['none'] |
A list of hosts that are allowed to dynamically update this DNS zone. |
- also_notify |
- | A list of servers that will receive a notification when the master zone file is reloaded. |
- delegate |
[] |
Zone delegation. See below this table for examples. |
- hostmaster_email |
hostmaster |
The e-mail address of the system administrator for the zone |
- hosts |
[] |
Host definitions. See below this table for examples. |
- ipv6_networks |
[] |
A list of the IPv6 networks that are part of the domain, in CIDR notation (e.g. 2001:db8::/48) |
- mail_servers |
[{name: mail, preference: 10}] |
A list of dicts (with fields name and preference ) specifying the mail servers for this domain. |
- name_servers |
[ansible_hostname] |
A list of the DNS servers for this domain. |
- name |
example.com |
The domain name |
- networks |
['10.0.2'] |
A list of the networks that are part of the domain |
- other_name_servers |
[] |
A list of the DNS servers outside of this domain. |
- services |
[] |
A list of services to be advertized by SRV records |
- text |
[] |
A list of dicts with fields name and text , specifying TXT records. text can be a list or string. |
bind_zone_file_mode |
0640 | The file permissions for the main config file (named.conf) |
bind_zone_master_server_ip |
- | (Required) The IP address of the master DNS server. |
bind_zone_minimum_ttl |
1D |
Minimum TTL field in the SOA record. |
bind_zone_time_to_expire |
1W |
Time to expire field in the SOA record. |
bind_zone_time_to_refresh |
1D |
Time to refresh field in the SOA record. |
bind_zone_time_to_retry |
1H |
Time to retry field in the SOA record. |
bind_zone_ttl |
1W |
Time to Live field in the SOA record. |
Variable | Master | Slave |
bind_zone_domains |
V | V |
- name |
V | V |
- networks |
V | -- |
- name_servers |
V | -- |
- hosts |
V | -- |
bind_listen_ipv4 |
V | V |
bind_allow_query |
V | V |
- name: ninux.nnxx
- name: dns
ipv6: 2001:db8::1
ttl: 900
- ns
- name: '@'
- 2001:db8::1
- 2001:db8::2
- ns1
- name: ns2
- '10.27.250'
- '10.27'
- '10'
- zone: basilicata.ninux.nnxx
- name: _ldap._tcp
weight: 100
port: 88
target: dc001
bind_listen_ipv4: ['any']
bind_allow_query: ['any']
- name: ninux.nnxx
Gli host che questo server dovrà risolvere devono essere impostati sotto hosts
nei campi name
, ip
e aliases
Tu puoi specificare IP multipli per un host aggiungendo allo stesso nome gli IP in bind_zone_hosts
. Questo risulterà in multipli record A/AAAA records per un host e consentire al DNS round robin una semplice tecnica di load balancing. L'ordine degli ip saranno configurati nella variabile bind_rrset_order
Non tutti gli host sono nella stessa rete. Per ottere un record PTR dovranno essere specificate in networks
. Solo le reti vanno specificate qui! Ad esempio per la rete di Ninux Basilicata andrà inserito "10.27" nella variabile.
Per delegare una zona DNS è sufficiente creare un record NS
(sotto delegato) che è l'equivalente di:
foo IN NS
I record (SRV) posso essere aggiunti come servizio. Questi sono campi obbligatori, come name
(service name), target
(host providing the service), port
(TCP/UDP porta del servizio) come campi opzionali abbiamo priority
(default = 0) e weight
(default = 0).
Le ACLs possono essere definite in questo modo:
- name: acl_trasfer
Il nome della ACLs verra' aggiunta in allow-transfer
nelle opzioni globali.
- hosts: dns-server
become: "{{ sudo | default('yes') }}"
- common
- bind
# common
common_ipv4_forward: 1
common_ssh_port: 2400
# variabili per ruolo common
- name: michele
- ./keys/michele.pub
- name: nino
- ./keys/nino.pub
- name: marco
- ./keys/hispanico.pub
- name: federico
- ./keys/federico-1.pub
- ./keys/federico-2.pub
# bind
- name: Get dict for each zone
dir: zones
- name: Merge zone dicts
"{{ nnxx_ninux_org }} +
{{ ninux_nnxx }}"
if which nsupdate >/dev/null; then
SUB=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)
ECHO=$(which echo)
NSUPDATE=$(which nsupdate)
IP=$(ip addr show dev $ETH | grep 'inet ' | awk '{split($2,a,"/");print a[1];}')
$ECHO "server $DNS" > /tmp/nsupdate
$ECHO "debug yes" >> /tmp/nsupdate
$ECHO "zone $DOMAIN." >> /tmp/nsupdate
$ECHO "update delete $SUB.$DOMAIN" >> /tmp/nsupdate
$ECHO "update add $SUB.$DOMAIN 60 A $IP" >> /tmp/nsupdate
$ECHO "send" >> /tmp/nsupdate
$NSUPDATE -v /tmp/nsupdate 2>&1
echo installo nsupdate, riavvia lo script dopo
sleep 5
opkg update
opkg install bind-client