Simple fully managed API server using API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB and Flask. And deploy the infrastructure by serverless framework.
- Amazon API Gateway
- AWS Lambda
- Amazon DynamoDB
- serverless 1.27.3 (npm package)
- serverless-wsgi 1.4.8
- serverless-python-requirements 4.1.0
- Flask 1.0.2 (API server)
- Python 3.6.1 (by pyenv)
- aws-cli 1.15.45 (by pyenv)
- node v10.5.0 (by ndenv)
- node.js (npm) greater than or equal to v4
- aws account
- awscli
# Download source
git clone
cd serverless-flask-sample
# Install serverless globally
npm install serverless -g
# Deploy to aws
serverless deploy -v
# Remove deplyed resources
serverless remove
# get all todo list
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos
> [ ]
# get a todo
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos/1
> {"error":"Not found"}
# create a todo
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title": "Shopping"}'
> {"id":"1","title":"Shopping"}
# get a todo again
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos/1
> {"id":"1","title":"Shopping"}
# update a todo
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos/1 -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title": "Shopping 2"}'
> {"id":"1","title":"Shopping 2"}
# get all todo list
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos
> [{"id":"1","title":"Shopping 2"}]
# remove a todo
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos/1 -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json"
> {"success":true}
# get all todo list
curl ${SLS_ENDPOINT}/todos
> [ ]