First release in the 1.4.x series. This release includes enhancements and bug-fixes towards the release of the first beta version of *dMRIPrep*. It also contains new features that are necessary for the API overhaul that has happened within the new *SDCFlows 2.x* series. Finally other *NiPreps* will also have a first release with specific support for them: *NiRodents* and *NiBabies* (and their corresponding *fMRIPrep* extensions). A list of prominent changes follows: * FIX: Allow omission of ``<res>`` for template normalization (#582) * FIX: Include ``_T2starw`` ``_MTw`` and ``_TSE``-suffixes in ``build_path`` options (#584) * FIX: ``DerivativesDataSink`` warning when it has multiple source files (#573) * ENH: Upstream *fMRIPrep*'s ``init_bbreg_wf`` to integrate it in *dMRIPrep* (#586) * MAINT: CircleCI housekeeping (#580)