Dotfiles - also known as: I'm never using linux again If I lose these files.
- Distribution: Arch Linux
- Compositor: hyprland (Wayland)
- Bar: waybar
- Notification daemon: swaync
- Wallpaper daemon: swww
- Color scheme:
- colloid-gtk (purple dark compact)
- colloid-kde (dark + kvantum)
- papirus-icon-theme (dark)
- Fonts: Roboto, Fantasque Sans Mono
- Shell: zsh
- Terminal: kitty
- Text editors: vim, vscode
- File managers: ranger, thunar
- Media player: mpv
- Music: tidal-hifi
- Browsers: brave, firefox
- Screenshot tool: hyprshot
- AUR helper: yay
To manage both my user and system level dotfiles, I use Dotdrop by deadc0de6.
To install these dotfiles, use the following commands from within the root of the repo.
For more information, consult the excellent documentation.
git submodule update --init --recursive
dotdrop --cfg="config-user.yaml" install
sudo dotdrop --cfg="config-system.yaml" install
To install dotdrop, either use the submodule in this repo, and then use
python3 -m pip install --user -r dotdrop/requirements.txt
# Use dotdrop
./ --cfg="config-user.yaml" compare
Or you could install the AUR dotdrop package, and just use dotdrop
like in the examples above.