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Strackify - Tracking your favorite sports teams with ease!


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Strackify (Built for Android)

Libraries Used

  • Firebase Auth (@firebase) - For authentication purposes
  • Volley (@volley) - For data request purposes from api (json and bitmap)
  • Gson (@gson) - For storing objects as json strings in shared preferences string set
  • Circle Image View (@civ) - For showing logos in circular image views
  • App Intro (@appintro) - For showing the app introductory walkthrough
  • Emoji Twitter (@emoji) - For showing emoji text in countries list

Other Commons Used

  • Recycler View
  • Card View
  • Bottom Navigation


  • Material design

Details about the application

  • The project has one home activity, which is the crux of the application comprising of the past events, upcoming events, about team and settings fragment.
  • In addition to this there is the sign in, splash, intro, sport, country and finally team selection activity, which help the user with the walkthrough and selection of favorites to display on the home activity mentioned above.
  • There are search options placed for the user wherever possible.
  • Unsplash is used in the app when images are not received from the api. Random keywords relating to the event or sport are used to display the images.
  • Volley has been used for requesting data from the api.
  • MVVM pattern has been used within the home activity class by creating observables with the View Model class for a fragment.
  • The code has been packaged into 5 main packages (adapter, authentication, ui, utility, model). You can see the project structure to get a detailed idea of that.
  • A JavaDoc has been provided for the project.


For developers out there, if you wish to contribute to the project, feel free to do so.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Acknowledgements and Mentions:

App Screenshots:

  • Here are some screenshots from the app.

Sign In Walkthrough1 Walkthrough2 Walkthrough3 Walkthrough4 Walkthrough5 Past Events Upcoming Events About Team 1 About Team 2 Select Sport Select Country Select Team Settings Another Sign In