This Instagram clone is made with React, Node, MongoDB .
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- Git - Download & Install Git. OSX and Linux machines typically have this already installed.
- Node.js - Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager. If you encounter any problems, you can also use this GitHub Gist to install Node.js.
The recommended way to get this repo clone is to use git to directly clone the repository:
$ git clone
create .env file in frontend/src
REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= {google auth client id}
create .env file in backend
PORT = {port number}
Mongo_URI= {your mongo uri}
JWT_Secret= {jwt secret}
JWT_Refresh_Secret= {jwt refresh secret}
clientid={google auth cclientid}
clientsecret={google auth client secret}
open terminal/bash in this repo and enter below commands to start the application
→ To start the server
$ cd frontend
$ node server.js
→ To start the client app
$ cd client
$ npm start
Your client application should run on port 3000 with the development environment configuration, so in your browser just go to http://localhost:3000
Your server application should run on port 8000, so in your browser just go to http://localhost:8000