In this project implements a distributed file system in python
. Application utilize RAID5 architecture to enable efficient use of storage, load balancing and robust fault tolerance/recovery from single block or entire server failure using distributed parity blocks across servers and md5
More details about design of RAID5, server fail over, checksums and recovery procedures are provided in the project report.
- Python 3.x
- Required packages (listed in
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd distributed-file-system
Install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To initiate servers (ensure that the server ports differ by at most 1):
Replace the start_port in the following command and run it.
python3 ./ -nb 256 -bs 128 -port <start_port>
This should start up a new file system server.
To start the file system client -
Start a new terminal
Once all servers are operational, open up a new terminal and connect the clients using:
python3 ./ -port 8000 -cid 0 -startport <start_port> -ns 4 -nb <total_data_blocks>
Running this command should open up a new client CLI which lets you interact with the file system.
Project contains a CLI (
) to interact with the file system. CLI exposes multiple basic linux-like file system
Along side more complex methods to create soft links and hard links.
CLI also exposes methods to debug and visualize the data available on block level
You could also bulk load a set of data into the file system using
command. -
If server is failed and comes back online, you could recover the data on that server using
You can spin up a cluster of servers (up to 8) and can add potentially as many clients to connect with the servers as needed.
Each of the client could perform CRUD operations on shared files.
The majority of the logic was graded with automated tests - using github workflow.